Started out a little grey and cool.
We have had about 17 days in a row without rain, and now we could actually use some.
By 9am it started to warm up a little...still had to put the masks on the horses.
Gucci.....Gucci! Where are you?????
A paddock mulching day...that's the good part about being dry.
This is why I need a good camera...could not get a clear shot of this bee.
Once again I did not leave the farm. Two days in a row!
At 1:30 my class arrived. Joan is back...Connie was absent. I have made arrangements for them to have a show on November 21st (Saturday night 6-9pm) at MARTI'S ON MAIN...a new gallery in Albion. Hopefully there will be plenty of work from current and past students.
Joan brought homemade cookies and I made Cranberry Apple Tea. It was pretty cool out on the porch and I loaned everyone a sweatshirt or sweater.
Around 3:45 I started making some eggplant parm and forgot to take was delicious. Gary had a 6pm meeting and I went out to do chores.
By now the sky was as clear as a bell.
This kind of light makes me want to keep taking photographs....
It cooled off quickly, and I predict that the horses will start growing winter coats pretty soon.
I will be sad to see the flowers disappear....
Hey Phoebe! I'm over the gate.
Hey Lori, you can have a full day staying at home. I love those days too. I see you've discovered Margaret and Helen; such a hoot and reminds me of Molly Ivins. Thanks for the musical accompaniment on this blog.
I was trying to catch a bumble bee working my PURPLE monkey grass flowers. He/she was moving so fast that even on my "action" setting I had a hard time getting a clear picture. They are moving quick this time of year.
Gucci. GUCCI! Watch out girl or the artists will paint you and then put you in their gallery show. ("Geez, it does look like a real, live dog. No, it can't be that realistic. Hide Gucci. Put on blinders and pretend to a horse. That'll fool mom.")
When I saw your winter scene my heart nearly stopped. I thought it had snowed there, and here it's still so hot and humid we find it hard to sit outside even in the evening.
Beautiful pictures. We're getting cool too, I can't figure out why the flies won't leave though.
your barns are gorgeous. I hope you post photos of the show.
and I hope you get the new camera you need for Christmas.
Loved the photos of the barns! Looks like lots of good artwork from your students. Should be a fun art show.
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