Justine had been taking riding lessons and when they were ready to buy a horse, Winnie must have been out there calling to them. Her owner could no longer ride and wanted her in a good home...and voila, they appeared. The whole family loves this horse! All of them. And they are so committed to the quality of her life they go above and beyond to make sure she has what she needs. She will be 20 years old this spring and can still do it all. She has evented, been driven, gone in lead line classes with the Kenney's young son, been used for lessons, visited a nursing home, gone to a school for the blind etc. Winnie (with vision in only one eye) can still jump and she takes good care of her rider. That's just part of the story. The Kenney's are extremely generous with their time and energy...wanting to help around the farm. We are in a co-op situation and Justine does chores two times a week. Her Mom and Dad are always there if she needs help and if Winnie needs something, they are on it. You can't imagine how much snow blowing Darrin has done in the past week. They are the most giving people I have ever met...and believe me, they have learned an enormous amount about horses and caring for them over the past year. And by the by...I love having help!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
There were drifts over a foot deep in the middle of the driveway! Once again, we had to shovel a path to get back to the barn, and another out to the road so we could set out our garbage container for pick up. What a thrill!
Miss Phoebe Bluegrass ventured out with me late afternoon.
Now that I am in the house, I can take a nice hot shower and get ready for our friends who are coming over for a special dinner. Grilled Strip Steaks, Pilaf, Marinated Asparagus, Tossed Salad, Toasted Wheat Rolls and Pie for Dessert. Sounds good to me.
Happy New Year Everyone!!! May it be a healthy one for you, your family and all your 4 footed buddies. Thanks for adding such richness to my life with your words and photographs. I have never traveled so much...and the price was right! There are so many great people in this world...don't you wonder why we, in particular, have connected?
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
These photos show you what the horses do when they are not hanging around in the winter. The grey horse above Berlin is her Dam....Marieke (who I lost to colic many years ago). The young lady riding Pony is Ariana (our grandaughter who is now 10). Jenny is on Target and I am trail riding on Berlin. A couple of years ago when Joe was working he was a great driving horse (now at 31, he is pretty much retired). One of PC's front knees has blown up from arthritis and he has been retired for years (he will be 30 this spring). Yet, my golden oldies are happy and healthy. Now, Abbe is not part of that age group....she is a youngster at 10.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Miss Abbe was checking things out.
Today we just about made the mid 40s....quite a difference. I don't know about you, but with me, by the time I finish dinner I feel very sleepy. It's only 7:24 and it would not bother me to crawl into bed.
PS - if you want to see a lot of Skoog Farm stuff, click on the Skoog Farm Picasa Album link. I am in the process of updating. I want Ewa in Warsaw to look at my photographs of flowers. (I know, I know....I am out of control).
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