This morning it was grey, no new snow and relatively mild (as in the 20s). I got out a little late to do chores, and could not finish stalls as I had a 9am appointment. Rarely is there a day when I leave the barn before everything has been completed. It made my day a little topsy turvy.

Once again, this poor yucca plant is covered with snow. The saga continues.....
At 11am I had an appointment with a massage therapist that Gary and I have been visiting for the past few years. Part of that time I traded her daughter's art lessons for a monthly massage. With all the physical labor I do, it has been great for my body and as far as I am concerned, it is almost like preventative medicine. Normally it has been a deep muscle massage, but today it was different. The Therapist had attended a week long seminar in California and needed to have so many hours of "practice" before she implements these new techniques. I was her first client when she moved to Brockport, and today a Guinea Pig of sorts. I had her write down the correct terminology so I could explain it to you, and have lost the paper!!!! I know that it is more popular on the West Coast and is a "cranial/sacral" technique involving energy work. Because we spent a fair of time discussing everything, I was there for 2 1/2 hours! Very different from the norm, but I must admit that I felt very relaxed and more up afterwards.

When I got home, Gary and I had a late lunch and he went to bed with a very bad cold. His voice is pretty much gone. This morning he went to yoga and he had a regular massage appointment...he must have felt like a wet noodle.
I was so excited to go back out the barn to clean 7 stalls and get set up for evening chores. Yuck.Relaxing with a cup of hot tea with lemon seemed like a better idea. The horses love to go in the outdoor arena in the late afternoon. They could not figure out what I was doing in the barn so early.

Tomorrow is the last Therapy dog visit until April. All of us make book marks for the kids as a little Christmas gift.
In the morning I will have them laminated.
Then I will punch a hole in the top and add this ribbon so it can also be hung as an ornament.
Now it is almost midnight and I am signing off. Thanks for all the comments you have been sending. By the way, our grandaughters are getting a real kick out of the snow that has fallen in Las Vegas. We have been getting storm warnings (on tv) all day...supposed to have 2 feet by Christmas.
i knew you had snow!
Hi Lori!
I loved reading this - a sort of daily journal and it was wonderful! Everytime I see pictures of your horses, it fills me with such warmth. They're beautiful creatures and, although I can imagine it is a lot of work to take care of, they seem to be worth every achy muscle.
And how wonderful you and your husband go for massage therapy. I agree, it is definitely preventive medicine. Nothing like a nice, deep-tissue massage to get you back in form again. And how very brave of you to be a guinea pig!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday,
I love massages also! Love the time and the feel of my body afterwards!
Those cards are lovely!!!
A massage would feel heavenly about now.
I hope Gary is healing well...
Yes siree Bob. A massage is the best and I would recommend it to all of you. San thanks for your words about Gary...he still has no voice and has been staying close to the fire. Esther, glad you liked my little was closed today because of the weather, so we never got to give them to the kids.
Rebecca, I have really enjoyed writing the Journal. Although it does not contain things that are very exciting, it has been fun to get comments on my everyday goings on. And Ken Mac, I'll bet you are just wishing you were here at the farm to help us shovel!
Linda in Colorado...thanks for staying tuned! What is the weather doing out there?
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