It snowed all night and our driveway was a disaster this morning. It was over a foot deep with drifts up to 18 inches or more. I started shoveling a path just wide enough to pull my sled loaded with beet pulp, hot water and some hay cubes...and was getting nowhere fast. After about 40 feet, someone arrived to plow...When I finally got to the horses I was an hour late and the stalls were extra messy. As said yesterday....this weather creates a lot of extra work.
In the middle of morning chores my camera battery needed recharging so once again I was out of commission. Yesterday, because of the blizzard, we could not get to the mill for a load of sawdust, so today I paid the big bucks and got some shavings. The stalls smell great. The family that owns Winnie came out in full force to help shovel. Darrin has a snow blower and cleaned up the driveway AND created a nice wide path around the front paddock. I leave the indoor open when it is like this so they can have some good footing available. When Winnie came out this morning, she went for the highest pile of snow and rolled in it. The pastures are all at least 12 inches deep and the horses ventured out.
While I was getting set up for the evening chores, Berlin waited patiently by the front doors. If I didn't put a chain across them, they would all barge in.
Joe and Pony frequently distance themselves from the other horses.
Still waiting....
S N OOOOOO W and more snow. Actually, by the time I went back to the house this evening, the horses had managed to flatten down part of the paddock.
Lucky for me, Gary made dinner tonight....bacon, eggs, homefries, toast and OJ. I've had my shower and it is back to the couch and fire. Good night John Boy!!!!
One way or another, horses mean hard work. (Said with huge smile) It's the most delightful work I might ever hope for. Your snow pictures ALMOST make me grateful for our mud and rain. Take care of that back!
Wow! You are a trooper!
We have nothing down here. Sending energy your way.
I share your pain! And as I write, there's more snow falling. Thank god for neighbors and friends who blow and plow you out in times like this.
Love your blog. I lived in New England for many years and you describe the beauty nicely. Happy Holidays...Jenny
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