
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

More Snow, Then Rain By Morning

Mid 20s today with some wind.

Did a couple loads of laundry and remade the bed when I got back in the house.
Alice and I had a lunch date today.  I picked her up a little before noon and we headed to Greece as I wanted to by a cover for my iPad before stopping at a restaurant. 
 When we got to the Blue Ridge Grill, the parking lot did not have one open spot so we headed toward Brockport and ended up at McColley's in Spencerport.  The food was superb and we had to get boxes to take the rest home.

Got back to the farm around 2 and just wanted to do nothing.
Late afternoon it started snowing and the roads were covered.  Went out to tuck the boys in a little early.

Sidney went out with me and was definately ready to go back in the house.

Made a salad with apples, craisins and walnuts to go with the leftover Mac and cheese.
After going out earlier, I was not the hungry.
Night all.


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

My Trusty Trike

Not a bad day weatherwise.  24 this morning.  25 tonight and no wind.  The sun melted much of the snow on our driveway and I loved not having to shovel.

Even with the snow, I can ride my trike to the paddock. The basket is handy as I put my bucket of beet pulp, carrots and hot water in there.  Good for the quads.

Yep.  Seymour was in his spot when we got back in the house.
Sid and LW chose to hang by the fire in the kitchen.
My new iPad arrived by 11 am and I am proud to say it is all set up and ready to use.  I used my other iPad and iPhone to load everything and the transfer was a piece of cake.  Gary went to yoga and out to lunch.  I took it easy and got in a nap this afternoon.  I went out later to put the horses in as it was still light at 5:45.

The sky to the west was pretty dramatic.
Dinner was very simple.  A salad....(tried a new dressing tonight and made a big batch.  1 cup balsamic vinegar, 2 cups oil, a big shot of honey and some honey mustard.  They served it when we went out to dinner with Scott and Jenny and it was so good I had to try and reproduce it).
Also made a nice, gooey Mac and cheese.
More comfort food with plenty of leftovers for tomorrow.

Night all.