
Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Studio

No weather complaints today.  72 degrees and it felt like summer.

After chores we went to Wegmans for a few things and when we got back to the farm I headed to the Studio to start getting it ready for our She Sings practices.  We had stored all kinds of stuff in there during the winter.
These flowers have been blooming for at least 6 weeks.
The tulips are starting to come on strong too.

We had a little rain, and when it stopped Gary started working on the planting of the new apple trees.

So far, one has been planted.
Took it easy for awhile and then we had dinner.  Leftover scalloped potatoes and a salad.

Put the boys in a little after 7.

Between being wet and rolling.....I had to do a little clean up and more hair came off.

Gary said that 90% of our rhubarb (that was ready) was ruined by the frost and now the new growth is going to take awhile.  The bamboo also took a hit and stalks that were over 3 feet high are now bent over and brown.  That's a first.
More taking it easy now...
Night all.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

Two New Trees

The weather was pretty ugmo today.  Grey, windy, rainy, cold and no sunshine until around 5:30pm.

As you can see, Buddy take s a pretty good nap at night.  So does Rebel.

We have been talking about putting a tree in the median between the two driveways and today we did something about it.
We drove over to Sara's Nursery to check things out.

Fortunately we received some good advice from Kathy, the owner, and ended up buying two apple trees.
We were able to stuff them in the back of our car.

They should be perfect, as they don't get very wide (maybe 4 feet).
They are petit columnars... "Tasty Red."

Gary wanted to get them into the ground, but we had a downpour.
Instead, we had some of the chicken soup I made yesterday.

We all ended up taking a nap in front of the fire and I finally started on dinner.
Scalloped potatoes.   I'm trying to use up whatever I have in the freezer so ham was it.

I had planned on putting the boys in early, but when the sun came out they went in at their usual time.

I took off their sheets and this ought to be it!  It better be.  The temperature is rising tonight and it may be in the low 60s by 6am.  However, more rain is on the way off and on for the next few days.

These are the blossoms on the new apple trees.  They are going to be beautiful.

Night all.  I want to watch the "Correspondents' Dinner" as it should be very interesting under the circumstances in this country.