This is a photograph of Sunny. It was sent to me by Dawn over at the Renaissance Equestrian Center (where she trains, boards and gives lessons). This is one of the things that make snow look good! My friend Tina is going to love this shot.
Yesterday we shoveled our entire driveway more than once...and that's a lot of driveway! Gary still is feeling punky, so I did most of it. Just when I thought everything was under control, this is what I woke up too!
Once again I was shoveling a path to the barn so I could pull my little sled full of goodies out for the morning feed.
When is this going to stop happening for a minute? We need to catch a break.
This is the door to our kitchen....where the floor is always wet because I walked in with my boots on.
Miss Gayle, up in Alaska, I hope you can appreciate these piles of snow!
Even tho it was very cold (maybe 10 degrees), the sun came out and all the ponies were very happy.
Have not taken a self portrait in ages...if you could only see my barn get ups!!!
PC is contemplating a nap....
Pony just wants to see what I'm doing...
Joe gave in and took a nap...
Target was determined to grab as much hay as possible...
Need I tell you how happy I was to see the sun?

Perhaps you can get a sense of how long our driveway is. There are two of them that join up and continue on back to the paddock. I left out something very important!!!! While I was still doing morning chores, a friend came and plowed us out. Yeah!!! I did not have to shovel very much today.
I ran across the street to take a couple of shots of our house...
The mail boxes will disappear if the plows go by one more time.

Now you can really see the driveway!
Nice violet shadows today. This is looking North from our kitchen.

After lunch, I had to go down to Apple Creek Farm to help my friend Jack set up a blog.On the way, I stopped at Monroe Seal Fast to pick up some new windshield wipers. When I parked my car I noticed this impression in the snow and just had to snap a picture.
After all this snow and freezing temperatures, this tree was still hanging on to it's fruit!
I have mentioned before, that I live on Route 19 (which is Main Street in Brockport and Lake Road when it gets out of the village). The next few shots were taken as I was driving home.This is the Main Street Bridge over the Erie Canal.
I have photographed the corner building before. It is the Red Bird Tea Shoppe and serves some of the best lunches in town.
Our Victorian Village is a designated historical district....
One of the many interesting homes on Main Street...
and another....
Esther and you walk around in warm Africa, I want you to visualize the height of this snow pile.
When I headed up the hill toward the farm, the sky was beautiful.
This is the third night for the same it? Chores...dinner (baked beans and weiners with coleslaw..good comfort food), shower, fire, couch.....Goodnight Fe girl.
Woman! That's a long driveway! Do you know they have invented this new fangled contraption called a snow blower? Such a trooper!
Love the blue skies over snow with deep shadows.
I need to learn to use my fireplace.
Goodnight, snowbird.
I know it's heavy work shovelling the stuff, but it does look beautiful. I'm always forgetting to stamp my feet and brush them off before I come in, the tell-tale puddles under my boots give me away.
Don't you have a snow blower? Or a snow plow? Or a tractor? :) We got all three because we didn't want to destroy our backs...but now we feel like WIMPS knowing that there you are, shoveling all day long! You are incredible!
I love your house-it is beautiful-it looks like a snow covered ginger bread house! And that first picture is so lovely...what a joyful thing to see horses running through snow!
Tell Joe that I wish I could join him for a nap-he looks so cozy and peaceful :)
Hugs to all things hooved and pawed!
so many gorgeous structures covered in snow
I love your house, Lori! Let it snow, let it snow...let it stop! ;-)
Lori, I've been away so only catching up on blog reading now. Thank you for posting such gorgeous photo's of all that snow - for an African like me, I find it hard to imagine - thanks so much for sharing !
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