These first photos are from Christina's World. By now you must recognize DJ and Duncan. Duncan belongs to our farrier, John. I have been posting photographs of him since he was a few weeks old, and now he is big enough to give DJ a run for his money. It appears to me that they were enjoying the fresh snow this morning.

When we got up this morning, everything was blue....the sky was grey and there was a 4 or 5 inch blanket of wet snow. It took a very long time to shovel the driveway....Gary did most of it and I helped after chores. It was our aerobic exercise for the day.

Gayle, in Alaska, is going nutts over our weather changes. Up there, things are much more consistent.
Once we get the snow off the driveway, Phoebe is much more interested in going outside.
We left the Farm around noon and went out to lunch at a great family restaurant that is near the mall. Great paninis!!!! These are just some of the decorations in the foodcourt area of a gigantic shopping center.

There is a huge Merry-Go-Round in that section that was dying to get photographed.

Now we are home, started a fire, finished up the chores and are ready to crash. Oops! The phone is ringing...Jenny wants one of us to come down and watch the boys so she can meet up with some of the legislators she works with. No rest for the wicked....
You are wicked (busy) but you take great photos. :-)
Love Carousels. Glad to see DJ, Duncan and Phoebe is fine form. Not enough snow down here to romp.
Duncan is without doubt one of the most beautiful dogs on this planet!!!
That snow looks so wet and heavy! I bet it's great for snowmen though (we can't build those here!). I've been enjoying your Christmas selection this morning.
We're getting some serious snow today. So let's see if we end up being snowed in. I love the snow and loved to be snowed in when I don't have to go to work! Hubbie, however, is not as "jubilant" over it as me because he has the unfortunate task of shoveling the driveway and back patio.
And I love your puppy dogs! All of them...*sigh* I just love, love dogs. They're beautiful, furry bundles of joy, aren't they?
Oh how could we forget the cute puppies names
Love the pics where they are playing in the snow! I also loved all the other pics!
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