So, I have this little blue "saucer" that the kids have used to slide down the hill behind the barn. This morning (and every snowy morning and evening) I use it to carry things to the barn...it slides along easily. Today it held a few soaked alfalfa cubes, a little bucket of beet pulp, 2 gallons of hot water, and an extra pair of gloves.
When I let the horses out after grain, Winnie once again went for a big roll. She just seems to love the snow.
Target (her boyfriend) found it to be quite entertaining.

If we were supposed to catch a little break today, we sure didn't! It snowed all day long and is still snowing. The good news is that it was light. Gary and I shoveled our entire driveway....more than once.
Call me nutts, but I even shovel a wide path so when I put the hay out the horses do not have to stand in snow that is two feet deep. Are they spoiled or what?
and then more snow.....
It's a good thing their blankets are waterproof....
Voila!!!! We had 30 minutes of sunshine with fast moving clouds....
The house across the street....

Are you enjoying all the snow? The pile at the end of our driveway has reached over five feet...
Miss Phoebe does not venture out very far until things are shoveled. She is no dummy.
She is giving you that sweet look....
OOOPPPS! The wind is back and the back forty is a white out.
And to think that the horses managed to stay out all day in this! How many of them chose to go in the indoor?????

This piece of sculpture stands guard outside our kitchen door.....
I'm in for the night, and you have probably guessed the drill....a shower, PJs and a fire. Gary is still not back to himself and has already crashed. I think we may be having tomato soup
and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.
aside from shoveling all day, I managed to view a new site and added it to my links....horse and dog fans will love it! It is called DREAM VALLEY RANCH. Check it out. I have put my camera to bed! Good night John Boy.....
Mmm - Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese has been my favorite since I was a child. Goodnight Jane Girl.
heheehehe now that's better You got snow now !
I just had to share the snow! lol
Your place looks like paintings from Courier and Ives....Beautiful!
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