Glen Aberlour (Abbe) 10yo POA, 14'3"...backed, good at line driving and free lounging...hope to have her trained to pull a cart this spring.
Babe's Opal (Pony) 28yo. 1/2 Arab 1/2 Welsh/Morgan. 13 h. Has taught many children to ride.
Berlin. 23yo. 3/4 Trakehner. 15 h (squirt). This is the horse I ride most of the time. She is very kind.Berlin.
Skoog's on Target (Target). 25yo Thoroughbred. 16'3". Both parents were race horses...he is Jenny's horse.
Winnie. 19 yo Thoroughbred. 16'2". Owned by Kenney Family. Does everything!
Joe. 31yo Belgian. 16"2". Owned by Randy Sundquist. Until the past 2 years, he was ridden and driven (as good as any school master). He is the first horse I had the opportunity to drive.Took a clinic with Larry Poulin (Olympic Cross Country Driving Team) when I had only driven three hours, and Joe took care of me.
Masterpiece of '79 (PC). Appy/Thouroughbred/Quarter Cross (no spots). Will be 30 this spring. He was our first horse and was ridden by Jenny. Bombproof and mischievous.
All are in good rig for the middle of winter.
It is supposed to stay in the 50s tonight and go to 60 tomorrow. I'm sure it feels great to have complete freedom...left the indoor open so they could go roll. Do I have some golden oldies or what?
Thanks for the profiles!
I did a little reading and I guess that is pretty old for most of your horses. Will you get more when they pass (or before) or are they the end of the line for raising horses? It must be very hard to have an animal so many years and let them go...I know it's hard with dogs and they don't live near as long! It was very interesting to read about each one of your family members.
What a bunch of sweeties. Swear I want to jump the fence and give them all scritches and carrots. I just keep liking you more and more - LOVE that you provide so well for these wonderful senior horses.
Oh the girls just loved the pics of the horse's
They have never seen your journal before guess what they will be back to see the beautiful pics
What a testament this herd is to your skills as a pony mom, Lori...they are simply beautiful creatures with the kindest look in their eyes. Sigh...I have a huuuuge soft spot for Mister Joe-that must be so scary when you look out and see him unable to get up! Silly pony!!
They are all beautiful and it is fun to see them naked :D
Squishes to all, and a little one to Miss Phoebes!!
And, how rude am I???
A special scritch around the ears and under the chin for beautiful little Bermuda!!!
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