When I let the dogs out this morning it was cool, foggy and there was a lot of dew on the ground.
Check out the healthy growth on my fig tree (that I thought was dead and did nothing for over two months as it sat out back).
After chores I dragged the indoor and outdoor arenas. The outdoor was used as a parking lot yesterday and was pretty messed up.
My friend Christy came over to ride with me at 10:30. She and Jenny were in Pony Club together when they were kids. She has ridden here off and on over the years...mostly Target, Pony and Abbe. For awhile she had horses of her own and has not been on Abbe for a year and a half. I hate to say it, but I think Abbe prefers being ridden over being driven. Hopefully after all my investments, that will level out.
I'm always the one taking pictures.
Christy is very small, and a perfect size for Abbe.
We are riding her with a hackamore. 85% of the time she was great, but pulled a fast one when we were almost finished. Fortunately, Christy toughed it out and got her back to being quiet.
Berlin, the horse I ride, is an absolute doll. When we get back to the grooming room she just stands there loose while I take off the tack and brush her. If we go out back, she gets jiggy....when we are at a park, I can ride her on the buckle and she is more relaxed. It's that herd thing.
Flowers from yesterday's event are all over the place.
This morning Phoebe looked like a bird in a nest. She chose to sit in the middle of a pile of hay.
Blue skies....
nothin' but blue.....
Just when I finished evening chores, Dr. Pepper came to look at a tumor in Winnie's ear. A very interesting treatment is on the way. It will not be surgically removed or injected, as those methods frequently don't stop more tumors from returning. Instead, a salve made from blood root, will be put on that area. The Doc heard about it two years ago while she was attending a seminar at Cornell. When her horse developed a tumor that could have caused her to lose and eye, she did surgery and put the salve on her. Wherever the roots were under the skin, the salve caused her skin to dry out and she lost some hair. It was killing the whole thing. Two months later she looked perfectly normal. She has used this method on 14 or 15 horses and it has worked well. Let's hope it does the trick for Winnie. I will keep you posted.
Our front porch is being overtaken by vines....
Mums....a sure sign of fall.
Because we had an overabundance of food left from the BBQ, we had Randy and Arlene over for dinner. Afterward we played Sequence AND ONCE AGAIN ARLENE AND I WERE SKUNKED!
Put the horses in, took a shower and here I am...not for long tho. Night All!
Hey there!
Nice ride! That Berlin is adorable!
Glad you got some downtime too...you are one of the busier folks I know.
Sure hope that Winnie can get relief with the treatment.Take care and thanks for all your support!
Rest is good! Love the ivy on the porch. How fun to have someone come and ride with you. I think we are going to have to try that Sequence game! (Why does the feed say Soldotna? I'm a goog 450 miles from there! lol)
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