Our veggie garden is winding down. Gary has sold most of his garlic and the onions. Onions are in for next years major crop. They store well and are very popular. I hope we have enough left to get me through a few months...they are the sweetest things.
The sunflowers are still blooming....
and like last year, we have a ton of rhubarb.
The ponies were doing their thing...
I decided to mow the lane so I won't have so much to do tomorrow.
The girls don't like the mower, so they stayed in the yard. Gucci rolled in something very nasty and needed a shower tonight.
Dr. Porter, how ya doin????
Interesting skies this afternoon, but not as fabulous as what it looked like just before dark.
Evening chores per usual.
At 6pm my last load of hay arrived...2nd cutting grass mix.
This is Danny Moore from Holley, New York. He puts up some very nice hay and has the best delivery truck.
This next series of shots...I just plain like them. I was in the barn looking out and felt that the silhouettes make them more interesting.
Out for a late dinner at 58 Main.
Home by 8:30 and watched the movie "The Visitor." It was excellent...Gary even watched it.
Now it's late. The horses are in and for some reason I am not very tired. Night all!
1 comment:
I love sunflowers. I am going to try really hard to grow some next summer. I like the shots from the barn as well. I've always been meaning to try some. Hope you enjoyed your dinner.
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