Nothing new or different....
Each day I have been picking up speed in the chore department. 5 horses seems so much easier than 7...that does not mean I don't miss Joe and Target....
Picked out back ...the barns are really not as far away as they look in this picture. Weed wacked around a couple of the pastures and headed back to the house.
The gardens are still holding out...have to fill this birdbath every couple of days.
Where the heck did this sweet little blossom come from? It was hiding under the geranium leaves.
The Phoebster is giving me the look....
She and Gucci jumped in the car with me and we ran some errands. To the bank, paid the school taxes and to Wegmans.
While we were in the Village we had to check out the activity at the Welcome Center.
The place was jumpin'. Wall to wall boats.
I was taking the dogs for a walk when the bridge bell went off.
The boat above is a rental. It sleeps 6 and has a kitchen and bathroom... Very popular way to vacation in this neck of the woods.
The ducks get many treats from these boaters and the locals. are two sailboats...comin' through.....
There was just enough room left for them to dock.
Got home around 1:30 and relaxed for awhile. Gary went down to the Alumni House to get things ready for First Friday.
The turnout was great. Food, drink and great conversation. This is a combination of college and community people who gather from 4-6.
Greg Turner entertained us with great music...jazz, name it.
Gary started this a couple of years ago and it is fast becoming a tradition.
He and his friend Dan S. do a lot of the work.
And there is Mrs. Morgan...She and her husband Clyde (Sankofa/dance department) are great supporters.
Home at 5:30...started dinner.
Marinated boneless pork on top of onions and apples...covered it with a sweet and sour mustard sauce. I do this in a pie plate and put another one on the top like a makes everything so tender.
Then, the dogs and I went out to do chores.
It got pretty hot this afternoon, so the bugs were hanging around the horses.
In the house around 6:30. Gary got home around 7 and we ate dinner.
When I went out to take the masks off, there were deer in the back field. You won't see them unless you click on the photo.
I made a bouquet for First Friday out of whatever I could find in the gardens. Gary brought it home...
and now it sits on the kitchen table.
Louise, from Apple Creek Farm, dropped off a box of peaches and nectarines. I see a pie in our future.
That's it for now. Night all.
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