After 9/11, the Brockport Volunteer Firemen commissioned Richard Kron (a local artist) to produce the "Firefighters Memorial Monument." It includes a piece of metal from one of the towers. Each year there is a service on this day...needless to say, it is very well attended by firemen and community members. The sculpture was originally a wood carving, and has now been redone in bronze.
I'm sure you remember what you were doing on September 11th when all hell broke loose in New York City. I was listening to the radio, just pulling into Glen Darach Farm. When I heard the news I did not think it was real...as soon as I got back home I was glued to the tv for hours.
Our oldest daughter and her family lived in Long Beach, Long Island and her husband frequently worked in Manhatten. What if there was more destruction and it got closer to where they lived?
It was an experience that all Americans will never forget.
The families that were impacted by this event need to be remembered and comforted...their losses were great and tragic. As a country, we are so fortunate compared to others, where the fighting continues day after day after day. Count your blessings.....
so true. thanks for this post. I am putting your link on a remembrance list on my blog.
thank you again.
thank you for your visit
and thank you for this lovely post
it is so true that we must be grateful for how safe we are compared to so many parts of the world - I hope for peace everywhere
Very beautiful and touching tribute to September 11.
Thank you Lori for the thoughtful, heartfelt words and photos of both darkness and beauty. It would be impossible to forget where we were and what we thought on that day. Powerful images and such tearful reminders all day today. We will NOT forget.
A beautiful tribute on a very sad day in world history. We will never forget...
Yes, thanks Lori, I don't think any of us will forget as long as we've got breath in our body.
Very nice post! 09/11/01 will be a day I will never forget.
Very, very powerful.
I, too, am remembering our country's loss. This is a good reminder, Lori.
What a beautiful memorial piece of art and I am sure a wodnerful ceremony in remembrance too! We had a small ceremony in my town also and I wrote about it on my blog. May we never forget that day . . . and the brave people who lost their lives.
AMEN to all of the above---Sara
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