After chores, the pups and I went down to Apple Creek to mow the lawn.
Took the Canal Road route..Main Street is all dug up and there are detours all over the place.
The Canal was very quiet this morning. Back to mowing....I got on the lawn tractor and something felt in a flat tire. That took care of that. Jack and Louise were not home so I left and went to see the Cretneys (see post below).
On the way home I stopped at Main Street Pizza. The classic pizza joint....the special is two slices and a coke for $5.00. Very thin crust...New York style...just cheese.
The college kids keep this place very busy...
You can sit inside or outside...I got it to go.
All set.
And now for a look at Main Street.
The flower baskets have been well taken care of all summer...they still look great.
Can we go home now Mom?????
Listened to the phone messages when I got home and there was a reminder call that I had an appointment with the Massage Therapist (I had forgotten...of course). It's a good thing she called.
Got home and grabbed Abbe for a little work which you can see below.
Took a shower and at 5:30 we left to attend a Garden Club dinner out at Freida Lynn's. This is a beautiful old farmhouse WAY out in the country...she does about 4 dinners a week and started 20 years ago. It is by reservation only ... you have a choice of meat and the rest is often based on seasonable goodies. I would describe it as major comfort food.
There were 20 of us and we all sat at the same table.
This is the whole reason I am so full.
We had: Roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, corn casserole, pasta/broccoli alfredo, fresh sliced tomatoes, jello with carrots and mandarin oranges, and my favorite...cucumbers with dill, sour cream and ingredients she would not reveal. She also served sliced homemade bread and gigantic cinnamon rolls hot out of the oven.
For dessert she offered banana cake , a chocolate cake and a raspberry cheesecake. Freida had no help with any part of this dinner. She cooked and baked all day, set the table and did all the clean up. This petite woman is a real power house.
Here's a little bit of Abbe doing her thing.
We listened to the Obama speech on the radio while we were driving home. Made a lot of sense to me. The horses are in and I need couch time. Night all.
Truly a FULL day!
hi Lori. Looks like a beautiful morning and a great day. Food yummies!
Thanks for asking re surgery, it is scheduled for 10/12. First I have to go to NC and be with my mom for her surgery to install a feeding tube. Life is a bit much sometimes, but the Lord is my deliverer and will see me through! Best to you and thanks for asking..KEN
I'm not sure I have ever seen so much good food in one place. Nice! Looks like a fun time (of course, you are always having fun times!).
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