Phoebe, Gucci, Seymour and Sidney ate their breakfasts and went out to the barn with me. PC and Berlin were grooming each other.
The horses finished their grain and went out to the pastures. It was coolish and very bright.

I mowed until dark last night and never finished, so that was my next order of business. Finished the lawn and mowed down the lane and around the pastures.

Many weeds and wildflowers...

I decided to leave the kittens in the barn all day and they were there from 7:30 until 5. Checked on them a couple of times and they were right where they belonged.

Gary finished cleaning out the Studio Barn (aka The Skoog Farm Workshop) and stuffed most of it into his barn.

I had to get a package in the mail today...went down to the post office this afternoon and noticed that the mural on the Lift Bridge Book Shop looked finished. Love it. From there I went to
Pier 1 to get a couple of those paper lanterns to put over the table in the Workshop.

Jenny called and invited us to join them for dinner. Finn (the birthday boy) wanted to go to the Diner...
I did chores early and grabbed a shower.

We gave him his presents and had a nice dinner.

Jeans, a t-shirt and a pair of Sketchers.

They went on to the local ice cream store for dessert, but Gary and I did not want have any more to eat so we went home.

He helped get the lamp set up over the table. I'm very happy with it.

Also hung up a couple of things on the walls with a few more to go. It's getting pretty nice out there.

My class will meet there for the first time tomorrow.
Have to go put in the horses.
Night all.
You've sure put a lot of work into the workshop and it shows!
I forget (that darn getting old stuff), are the kittens going to eventually be outdoor cats, or will they come indoors at night? Either way, they're making progress. Imagine, being out all day, all by yourself!
The Workshop is really lovely. What a lovely sanctuary.
The workshop looks great! Happy Birthday to Finn too! I'm impressed with the mural on the book shop, really nice. Your kitties are adorable glad to hear they're getting used to being out. As usual I like all your pictures.
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