Fortunately all four critters were ready to go out to the barn with me this morning. Seymour was only gone for about 1/2 an hour last night and came out from under the porch when I called him. Maybe he was there the whole time...but I don't think so. Sidney was happy to see him.

They are certainly at home in the barn.

They dumped over some cat food and when I swept the remains out of the feed room Gucci and Phoebe were doing their best to find every piece that I had not picked up.

It was overcast and the temperature was not too bad.

When I finished chores I attacked the garden by the pergola. One major disaster with all the weeds. Continued to pull out the daylilies and mowed over the snow on the mountain that was drooping and brown.

In a week it will all start coming up and look beautiful.

The kittens stayed in the barn all day....when I went out to do evening chores they figured it was time to eat.

Sid still likes to look out from under the feed room door (where he feels safe).

Finished quickly and loaded up the carrier. Pony didn't seem to care.

By now the sky had a little color in it.

During the afternoon I got a call from Louise and we were invited to dinner.
First I had to go to a Canal Conference meeting at the Welcome Center. I brought along a poster I created that we want to go in the store fronts to welcome visitors from all over the world.

Above is our Mayor with the poster.
A little after 7:30 we arrived at Apple Creek Farm, armed with a basket of veggies from our gardens.

Louise set a nice table...fresh flowers from her gardens.

Everything was just about ready when we got there.

Pork tenderloin with a mustard sauce, parsley potatoes...and the green beans, cucumbers and tomatoes were from her garden.

Dessert was decadent. A black forrest tart (zucchini chocolate cake, cherries and real whipped cream).

Home by 9:30. Now it's time to go put the horses in the barn.
Night all.
PS - I tried to slow down today and it makes a difference.
Yes, there's something to be said for taking it slow and easy. Just ask me, I'm an expert!
Very nice poster you made up for the stores.
Hard to believe you can rip an area up and have it grow back in a week. Our day to night temperatures are sometimes 30 degrees different so things grow much more slowly.
Glad that your new kitty wasn't missing.
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