Next on the agenda was mowing the lawn. After that, Wegmans. I left out a whole lot of photos, as something is goofy with uploading and it has taken me hours to do very little.
Of course I broke into a sweat doing evening chores. Gary was kind enough to go to Alvin's to pick up 4 barrels of shavings so the stalls were freshened up. When I let the horses out after they had their grain, they did not want to leave the barn.
It was very bright....almost 7pm.

I'll make up for this tomorrow...if blogger is in gear.
Night all.
Hi Lori;) I always pop onto your blog and get my daily fix of animals and other beautiful things. I love the shadow shots on the bright horses. There seems to be something not kosher with Blogger. I have spent ages trying to comment and also to upload photos. Let's hope it's sorted soon. Meanwhile, bless you. Jo
I know you've asked how I do my photos, and I sent an email you must not have gotten....
You can upload your photos directly to your picasa album (where Blogger stores them anyway). Go to Under the "more" tab you will find "photos". You may have to log in (I am always logged in). I resize my photos (800X600) temporarily to my desktop. I then upload to my album from there (when I'm all done I just delete them from the desktop). Click on the photo you want. On the right you will see "link to this photo". Click on that and check the "hide album link" box. Select your size (I chose original for my big photos and medium for the smaller ones). Highlight the "embed image" and copy. Paste this information into your post under the html tab.
I am sure there are other ways to do this, but it's been working for me for quite awhile. It's a few steps, but once you get it down it is quicker than waiting for Blogger to load plus I can have bigger photos.
Wishing I had your heat. We won't get hot again this year and I'm already chilled! Enjoy it for me!
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