I keep waking up early...today the sky was worth getting up and taking some shots.

Little Sidney has figured out how to jump on the stool and can pull himself up on the blankets to get to the top of the crate...where he has a birds eye view of the activity outside the back door.

After Phoebe, Gucci, Seymour and Sidney had breakfast, we headed out to the barn. The kitties don't mind being transported in the wheelbarrow (in a carrier) and continue to enjoy playing in the gooming room to classical music.

I was to slow on the draw to get King Mustafa's face looking out from the back shed...instead, I got his butt.

Once again, Sid slipped into the jungle.

I went to the bank and Wegmans...after lunch Gordy B. showed up to roto til the (green) outdoor arena as well as the indoor....

and some of Gary's gardens. I'm very happy not to see all those weeds.

We had an outrageous downpour...I knew it would not last long, so the ponies stayed under the shed roof (except for Pony, and she got one heck of a bath). It was a relief after the high humidity.

Did evening chores quickly....
Made a salad, took a shower and we drove over to Roger and Tina's for dinner.

Started off with some nice veggies and a curry dip.
I made a salad with leaf lettuce, sweet onion, green grapes and bluberries. Topped it off with homemade poppy seed dressing and Gorganzola cheese.

Roger made angel hair pasta...

and it was topped with a red pepper sauce. On the side he served shrimp and feta cheese wrapped in bacon...this was broiled. What a dinner!

Dessert wasn't too shabby either...Ice cream, blueberries and peaches served on a slice of blueberry bread.

Roger loves to cook and is very creative in the kitchen.

Their home is comfortable and very tastefully decorated. A relaxing evening.

I just put the ponies in and am ready to sign off.
Night all.
By the way, my afternoon nap was just what the doctor ordered. Perhaps it could become a habit.
Some of us actually consider napping to be sleeping instead. I'm sorry I didn't respond to your e-mail yet. And I hope the saddle clinic was great. I wished I could have been there but I had to sleep or nap! LOL. Who roto tills your indoor riding ring? I am looking for someone. We roughed it up a bit but it really needs someone to go over it and then I'll decide if I want a few loads of sand dumped into it. And I'm looking for someone to fix the barn doors if you know of anyone. I have my puppies and love them bunches!! They are so stinking cute. The little girl is Jewel and I re-named the boy Diesel. He likes this so much better than Sampson. I love the kitties. On another note, Tina is back in town. She moved her horses back home and is starting to work from there again. They couldn't rent that barn for what I used to pay them so this was a better idea all the way around. I'll give you a holler soon, Cindy
Naps are so good. Recharging the batteries mid-day is the best. Both my parents were nappers and I crave a nap (and sneak one when it is possible). Just something about sliding between the sheets in the middle of the day is so sinfully delightful that the sleep is best.
I love Tina and Roger's home. It looks so classy. Dinner looks yummy!
Glad you got a nap. They can be the most refreshing things in the world. Your arena looks very inviting, all fresh and ready to go.
Naps are very good. I love your indoor - may I steal it please?
I'm with Kate, naps are wonderful, especially on a hot humid day...
The indoor is to die for, color me green!
I rarely nap but glad you got to, sounds like you rarely get to. Love the photos and the kitten looking out of the window. I put a link on my blog to this for other people to see.
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