It was cool enough when Phoebe, Gucci, Seymour, Sid and I got out to the barn....but I was sweating bullets before 9am. This muggy stuff has got to go!

I tried something new today with the kitties. I let them out of the carrier right when I got through the paddock gate. Seymour took off and Sid did not want to go anywhere...so I carried him to the feed room. Started getting the grain ready and decided I'd better go find the missing boy. He was in the garden outside the paddock hiding in the jungle. I brought him back in the barn so I could keep track of him.

The horses must look like such giants to them....

Back in the house for an English Muffin and some OJ...checked my email and got ready for class.

Just Tina again today...everyone else has deserted me.

She started working on Bright.

As usual, Phoebe and Gucci were waiting for their treats.

Before she left, Tina and I went out to the garden and got her carrots, beets, a pepper and a handful of cherry tomatoes.

That's when all hell broke loose. Jenny dropped off Finn and Cooper...the Time Warner Guy came to change over our cable, computer and phone service...Jeff M. arrived with two of his drums and Skoog Farm resembled a "nut house".
By the time the cable guy left, Jeff had brought a couple of drums into the kitchen...Finn and Coop were very interested. Catch their sounds in the videos below. Don't forget to turn off my music. I just love Huey singing that doo wop music!

Jeff worked with the kids for almost an hour and they really had a great time.

A little before 3 Gary drove them down to Christina's World for a dip. I joined them a little later, as Kathy W. was coming over to pick up my harness for the man from Ontario, Canada. Yey! SOLD!! I was mighty hot by the time I got there.

The boys were having a great time.

Madonna was also there with her two grandsons. The water temperature was ONLY 87.....

One of these days I'm going to have to go out to the barn and catch some shots of Mr. Sandman and his Dream.

What a peaceful and beautiful property. We are so lucky to have an opportunity to swim there.

On the way home there was all kinds of activity on the Canal. People rent these boats and cruise the area for a week at a time. They have kitchens, sleeping quarters, bikes etc. and go from town to town.

Aren't they quaint?

When I got home, Gary had received a call from Jeff. He found me an African drum and had picked it up...Pretty fast service! I just heard about it this afternoon.

If you are a follower, you know how interested I am in African Dance and Drumming. Have wanted a drum for years. Since I sold my cart and harness, I indulged myself. Jeff is going to holding Drumming Jams in our indoor starting in September. We are working on a flyer and hope to get going on it soon.
Gar went out to work on the Studio Barn and I eventually got dinner together. Another cottage cheese and fruit plate.

Perfect on these hot nights.

Barb has chore duty on Tuesday nights, so I have been cooling it.

If it was cooler I would have been out on the back porch.

More tomorrow...
Night all.
PS.... I have a new email address: skoogfarm@rochester.rr.com
Check out Coop and then go on to Finn. I see drums in their future.
mmm fruit and swimming.... perfect day to me =)
I didn't know the Erie Canal had rental boats. That's really neat. One of my dreams has been to do a barge trip I'd read about in Europe. That would never happen, but maybe someday a canal trip would be do-able!
It surely looks hot in your part of the world, while i"m sitting here with the heating on. The swim would have been nice to cool off and a lovely salad meal. Some drumming talent appearing in the Skoog family.
The canal boats are really interesting. What fun! I do not know how you pack all you do into one day! Love the drum.
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