Gorgeous morning! Cool enough for a sweatshirt....
Barb came over to help with chores and we took the cat crate out of the grooming room and put a smaller one in the feed room of the horse barn.

Ta Daaaa... Seymour and Sid loved being with us and stuck around very well. Now I will take them out with me when I do chores. Bermuda showed up and was holding off Seymour on the stairs to the loft. At least I was able to feed him. I don't understand why he won't come back to his usual spot...must not like having the kittens here.

We put the masks on the horses and Barb went home to get her saddle.

Gary is almost ready to start painting the Studio Barn. I can't wait.

Around 12:30 Barb and I had Berlin and King Mustafa tacked up and ready to ride. What a difference when the temperature is not soaring.

We rode inside and outside.

Something was bugging Mustafa, so Barb got off and led him around for awhile. Everything seemed to be OK and we couldn't pinpoint what was annoying him.

I asked her if anything was on the girth so she took it off and he seemed a little better.

Next thing I knew, she was on this giant boy bareback.

He was as happy as a clam. You wouldn't catch me riding bareback on a 17 hand giant.

Barb and he have a great relationship and it worked out just fine.

Berlin was a good girl the whole time.

When we finished riding, I checked out the gardens and picked a big basket of veggies. Judy, Randy and their two granddaughters were stopping by on their way home from the Genesee Country Museum so I prepared them some goodies to go. Beets, cherry tomatoes, carrots, peppers, onions and a leek.

The pups and kitties took afternoon siestas.

When Judy and the crew arrived, they got a LOT of attention.

Gary gathered up some garlic for Judy and her pals.

Dinner? Thin cut sirloin steaks grilled, fried potatoes, BBQued green beans, peppers and onions and a salad.

Barb had chore duty tonight and I was in slow....cruisin'.
Night all.
We had a little break in the heat and humidity too but it was short lived and was back in the afternoon. Yuck! Glad you were able to get out and enjoy the outdoors!
Loved this RIDING DAY! FANTASTIC horses..yea know, them being in gear, makes them so different looking. We get to see them all the time...but they looked gorgeous! Wish I could have seen you upon that sweet mare.
Thanks for sharing...loved the kitties in the barn tooKK
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