Rain or shine? It was raining when it was time to go out to the barn this morning, yet there was light shining in on the library rug.

Sid and Seymour woke up on the couch...all cozy and comfy.

Gucci and Phoebe took their spots too.

After putting on my long raincoat, the kitties were put in their taxi and the whole crew moved out to the barn.

Barb came over to help with chores as she had taken the morning off to be here when the horse's dentist arrived. King Mustafa was first, so she could get back to her job in Rochester.

Prior to today, he had always been tranquilized and was worked on with power tools. We did not know what to expect. He is such a big boy, it could have been a problem.

But no! He was a perfect gentleman.
Abbe was next...as the youngest, her teeth were the best...and she too, was a model patient.

Then it was Pony's turn. At 30, there was not much to do...he just filed down a couple of hooks and she was outathere. She has difficulty eating coarse hay but has maintained her weight through her diet of pellets, beet pulp, hay cubes and grass.

Berlin could not have been better. I am so lucky that all my horses are cooperative.

Our dentist is Jeff Rautenstrauch from Mt. Morris. We had some very interesting conversations today, as he just returned from Kenya, where he was part of a team that went there to build an orphanage. Hand made mud bricks were used for the most part and I hope he will be sending some photographs that I can share with you. I really appreciate his rapport with animals...they trust him. Don't you wonder why horses let us do this to them?

Kathy S. stopped over for some garlic for her boss, and came back to the barn to say hello to him as he is her horse's dentist too.

PC was last. At 31 we did not think he would need much, but he ended up having the full treatment and should be more comfortable.
We were all done around 1:30.

Because it was cooler and we had spritzie rain, the horses were full of beans. They seemed very happy with the change in the weather.

Completed evening chores and put the muddy pups in the back yard for a little while...Seymour and Sid too (as I brought them in from the barn about 3:30).

Earlier in the day we were invited to Madonna's for dinner. What a nice surprise.

We got there about 7. Her gardens were beautiful. Does that sculpture look familiar?

We brought along a basket of veggies from the gardens, as she would not let us bring anything for dinner.

I loved her centerpiece.

A few years ago, her kitchen was remodeled and looks very French to me. Skylights and all.

We had carrot/ginger soup and an apple salad with a basket of bread.

Dessert was blueberry sauce on vanilla ice cream topped with homemade whipped cream. Delish.

Home by 9 and I could hardly keep my eyes open to post this. Went out to put the horses in for the night so it would wake me up and I could finish.
Night all.
As one social butterfly to another, isn't it heavy going, all this socialising?
Cheers, Mike.
You are so lucky that all of your horses are good for the dentist. The old man -- Stormy -- was NOT! Even heavily tranqued, he put up one heck of a fight. The vet would be exhausted, and I would be almost sick to my stomach, by the time he was done.
Carrot ginger soup sounds yummy!
It was fun to open my blog page this morning and see "I'm in a Sweatshirt" from The Skoog Farm Journal and "A Very Hot Monday" from Shiloh Horse Rescue.
Your equine dentist sounds like a very special person.
Great post and loved reading about the horses and the dentist, seeing all your photos and love the doggies.
It is amazing what the horses let us do to them. Most of ours are okay with it too, but one or two need a little help to relax. The weather seems to be getting cooler here too. Delicious looking pictures. Now I'm hungry.
What a lovely post....I love the photograph of the fresh veggies and dinner looks delicious! Yummy, yum, yum...!
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