And we're off! The kittie bus headed out to the barn a little early this morning. Wanted to get a jump start before everything heated up.

It was in the 70s by 7am. The ponies didn't want to budge and jockeyed around the fan.

I filled the water trough and dragged the outdoor ring (it rained right after it was roto tilled...don't want those little green weeds to get a grip) and paddocks.

Was just out of the shower when a special guest arrived. "Louise" came over from Webster ...the second opportunity to meet one of my Journal followers face to face. We chatted for awhile and then headed out to the barns. She was in love with King Mustafa from the first moment he said "hello."

Madonna stopped in with her granddaughter to see the ponies, but it was NO DEAL.

They gave out a few carrots and left...I guess the herd was too scary for such a cute little peanut.

The flies were the worst I have seen them this summer and they kept swarming the horses, so I put them in for the afternoon with some hay.
Gary joined Louise and me for a healthy lunch. I made salads with raspberries, blueberries, green grapes, sweet onions and poppyseed dressing.

Louise and Gary traded some lilies and she headed back home. It would be so great to have a blogger's convention and meet all the people I follow. After reading them, you learn a lot...especially when there are photos...to meet them is a bonus. I'm sure we will see each other again.
I did not leave the property nor was I anxious to take a lot of photos or even go outside. All I wanted was to stay cool.

Went out at 5:30...fed the horses, put their masks back on and cleaned the stalls.....again. They headed straight for the back pasture.

Another healthy meal for dinner. I made a pasta salad (steamed carrots, red peppers, green peppers, celery, extra sharp cheddar cheese, onions and black olives).

Cut up a cantaloupe and added the rest of the blueberries from lunch. So sweet.

Sliced up a tomato, added a sliced hardboiled egg, homemade croutons and topped it with Italian dressing.

Needed to use an avacado, so I made some guacamole with a side of blue chips. Forgot to take a picture. Simple, healthy and good.
Since I was in slow today, it's just a short post. Feels good to be done early.
Night all.
I had a wonderful time, Lori. Thank you again. And, yes, I'm in love with Mustafa. Tell Barb that she has a big bundle of love there.
So nice for the two of you to meet!!! I have pen pals all over the world and meeting them is always so special... I guess it's the same with meeting blog pals. I just got hungry....:))
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