I lasted outside for about 15 minutes, and had to go get a second pair of mittens. My hands were frozen (that did the trick). With the windchill, it was -7.
Grey...and way crispy!
The sun was doing that thing again.
Fed the horses in the front paddock for the same reason I did it yesterday. .... more protection.
I've been using a lot more hay lately.
I need to take an afternoon and really groom all the horses.
Dream was feeling intimidated and hid around the corner.
Gary came out to help me after Scott left.
Gucci wanted to be there with us...fortunately it was a little warmer with the front doors closed.
Once we got back in the house, she warmed up in front of the stove.
Phoebe spent the morning on her throne.
I only had a couple people in class today and didn't take any photos. I need to get with the program!
Gary took a 2 1/2 hour nap and I have been up since 4:30.
When the afternoon light was coming into the house I decided to get out my new camera.
Thought it would be fun to put it on the portrait setting and see if I could learn something.
Phoebe was my model.
So coy...
Whenever I take pictures with that camera, Gucci runs away. She is so afraid of it. On Christmas Eve, Tina took some pictures with her camera and she reacted the same way.
Today she went in and jumped on Gary who was taking a nap.
Got the kitchen stove stoked up and tried to get warm before evening chores.
This camera does a much better job with the photos of the fire.
The flowers aren't that different....
But I think the outside shots are a little better....
Gary brought a lot of wood in the house before leaving for Rochester to watch a Johns Hopkins basketball game. He went to SUNY Brockport with the coach and ironically, his grandmother used to own our farm. Small world.
The sun is quite amazing between 4:30 and 4:45. If it's out, that always seems to be the brightest part of the day during the winter.
During evening chores Abbe fell and cut her back leg...I cleaned and wrapped it...hopefully it is not going to be a problem.
It's shower time! I've been up way too long without a nap.
Night all.
i always enjoy my visits to your farm. really takes me away. Stay warm!
Great pictures...they had me shivering until I got to your wood stove with Cucci!
You are SUCH a trooper in those temps (I nested inside all day like a wimp!) My parents heat went out today too!
Hi Lori, that last picture is absolutely gorgeous. What kind of camera did you get? I remember something about a Canon but can't remember the rest. I want the Canon EOS Rebel but cannot afford it right now. Awesome pictures and I hope Abbe is okay.
So glad the heat was an easy fix. After the car deal you don't need another big bill. Hope Abbe is going to be okay.
Hi Lori and Gary. Your farm looks really beautiful in the snow. Sorry about Abbe and hope she'll soon be alright.
Best wishes, Mike and Ann.
Looks like an extremely cold and both hardworking and relaxed day :-) Nice shots!
- Pixellicious Photos
Great photos! No heat is the worst - at least you were able to get it fixed quickly. Hope Abbe is OK - the cold should help.
Love the photos. It's fun to experiment with a new camera but can be a bit frustrating until you figure out all the settings. After owning mine for about five year, from what I read from fellow bloggers with same camera, it has a low light setting. Who knew?
Love the afternoon sun shots..
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