When things lightened up, Gucci and I went out to the barn.
She gets there before me and runs through the doors that I leave open for the cat. Phoebe, of course, chose to stay in the house where it was warm and cozy.
It was cold and there was still a little snow on the ground.
Fed the horses in the pasture where it was not so muddy...they needed a break from eating under the shed roof.
By the time I finished cleaning stalls, the sun was higher in the sky.
Had to hurry down to Chorus practice. It looked like there was an ocean above me.
Our rehearsal went pretty well.
Stopped at Wegmans to pick up a few things and got home around 12:30.
Thanks to Deb T. I have this beautiful fern next to my computer.
Around 3 the dogs and I went down to Tractor Supply for 3 bags of Safe Choice, 1 bag of Hay Cubes and a tarp. I have a leak in the stall behind the horse barn (run in area) and it's too cold to put up the new roofing for now...so the tarp. Should have done it when we had better weather.
Out to do chores at 5...it was considerably warmer than it was this morning and started spitting as soon as I hit the barn. The ponies were happy to go in. Of course they all rolled and were filthy...AGAIN.
At least Phoebe got her butt out the door.
I was trying to take a photo of my shadow in the dark, but the flash went off. Instead you have a beautiful view of some of the mortar work Gary has been doing.
The dogs had muddy feet so we went in through the back door and passed the wood pile Gary has moved closer to the house...handy.
We got a call from Jack and Louise about going to dinner at the Garland. By now it was pouring.
I took my camera and forgot to take pictures of the food.
But who cares? I did other things instead.
Home around 8:30 and started the fire back up so we would be warm when we watched the movie "Big Night." Different. Good.
Now it's almost time for bed. Night all.
I wish I was in bed that early and up that early! I'm a bit of a night owl when I have nothing to do. And believe me, I have nothing to do! I have been reading the book "Starting and Running Your own Farm Business" for hours tonight. Taking notes and ideas. Working on a business plan. Just need land and a home!
Love the fire in the last photo - very cozy!
You had a lovely day with a nice dinner to top it off. It's been raining here, too, for days.
Ah, love that fire. Keep the wood close and the fire stoked. What a perfect way to end the day.
And Gucci has come out of her funk? It may have been that first snowfall.
flash generally kills things. I feel very fortunate. This time last year we had mud, mud, mud, mud! This year it's dry. Well it rained last night but only the top layer was muddy, no one sunk.
Sounds like you had a busy day..Stay warm my friend.. and stay dry.. They are calling for more rain and snow..Working late the next 2 evenings Christmas rush already..Hugs
We always seem to do the wrong projects during the wrong time of year as well. I guess it is the denial that winter will really show up.
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