
Sunday, August 11, 2024

The Arts Festival

Two crazy days in a row.  Nice and cool this morning and I was out in the barn by 6:30am.

Once again I managed to do the chores (even put some soaked pelleted bedding in Buddy's stall), took a shower and was ready to be picked up by 8:15 so we could get to the Arts Festival stage and set up for our 10-11:30 gig.  Unfortunately I could not take photos and play music at the same time.  We loved being on a stage with plenty of room to spread out.

This is how it looked when we got there.

This is how it looked after it opened.  Thousands of people.

Gary came down to pick me and all my equipment up and we grabbed some hot dogs at the Kiwanis booth for lunch.

I don't know if I ever told you, but all the money we get for our gigs is used to plant trees.  (There is a tree in our logo).  These six trees fruit were donated to the Morgan Manning House a couple years ago.

We got home before 1 and I was ready for a nap.  Gary continued stacking wood and while he was out there a monsoon showed up.
Eventually he walked back to the house and got soaked.
Jenny came up late afternoon and we worked on an invitation for a fundraiser we are hosting at the farm for our friend Jamie Romeo (County Clerk) who is running for another term.

How about all that stacked wood?

We could not let Jenny go home without some flowers....

tomatoes, peppers, onions and cucumbers.

Our dinner was another instant replay.
Chores at 8.  The sky was positively gorgeous.

Night all.


1 comment:

Sandra said...

I like Gary's attitude....why hurry, I'm already wet! That is some crowd at the festival. You had a busy weekend.