
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Mowing, Music, Priming, Gutter Cleaning, 5 Face Cords of Wood.

A perfectly gorgeous day.  70s and low humidity,

After chores, Gary went to Brockport for a haircut and two painters arrived to work on the south side of the house.  Scraping and priming.  

Then, two more men came to clean our gutters and replaced some air vents.
 I continued with the pasture mowing I started a couple days ago.
Little Wonder held down the fort.

Lori S. picked me up a little before 1 and we went to Nancy and Tom's for
a rehearsal.  We have a gig on Saturday at the LeRoy Farm Market and Sunday we are playing at the Arts Festival in Brockport.
A very productive rehearsal this afternoon....always sounds better when we are using amps and mics.
Watched a little of the first Harris/Walz rally then had leftovers from last night.
Back out to finish mowing the big pasture and the outdoor arena.  So much nicer when it's cool.

Rebel and Buddy kept me company.

I almost forgot.  As tho there is not enough to do around here, 5 face chords of wood arrived today and it has to be stacked under the shed roof.  Gary will do a little at a time.
It was almost dark by the time the boys were tucked in and fed.

Off duty.
Night all.

I could not believe how many people turned out for Harris and Walz today!  Incredible!
And they brought in over 30 million $$$$$ in 24 hours.



Nancy J said...

Go Kamala. Lovely mown lawn, beautiful flowers.

Sandra said...

People are enthusiastic! It feels so good. Lots of things going on around your place. That's a lot of wood to stack. We cut our own, or I should say, Mark does. We have our own small forest and trees are always coming down.