
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Stephanie is Coming Tomorrow.

We had sunshine, humidity, storm warnings and a cool down today.

Rebel was getting around....not quite as bad as yesterday.

After chores I picked some sunflowers for our kitchen table and will get the house in order tomorrow.
Steph and her dog, Bandit, are driving here from Kansas City and they will be pooped when they arrive.
I made a trip to Wegmans for a major load of groceries and stopped at Country Max for some shavings.  I was not happy with the pellets.  Late afternoon there was a lot of thunder and some rain.  Went out to the barn to put fresh bedding in the stalls and gave the boys some hay in the run-in.
Rebel stayed in...Buddy went out.

Gary wanted a big slice of pizza from Perri's so that's what we had for dinner.
He painted the table on the back porch for me.  Fortunately it dried before it rained.

Chores at 8.  Just when I opened the door it started to rain again.  I held my umbrella while riding my trike to the paddock.
In no time it stopped and there was a glow in the sky.

Got the boys tucked in and opened the windows when I got back in the house.  By then the temperature had dropped from the mid 80s to 71 and there was way too much humidity inside.
I am so tired....again.
Night all.



Nancy J said...

No wonder you are tired after all that. What a gorgeous sunset across the paddocks.

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful sunset, we didn't have that gorgeous sky but we had the rain and the humidity. However our next few mornings should be in the 50's with lots of humidity. That's okay.
Get some rest!