Yey!!!! We had some rain last night....and it stopped just before I went out to do the chores.

Each morning I put the hay in nets under the overhang and at night it goes in the shady part of the front paddock.

As the weather changed over to sunny and gorgeous, I put their masks on.

During the warm months, I hold my class from 10:30am - noon instead of in the afternoons.
Jean finished her bird and it is fabulous!

Tina almost finished the snow leopards....

Donna is experimenting with different media....

Jean started another 6x6....

and Mel is doing another cat.

After class, those who wanted to, went out to the garden and picked some fresh spinach.

The rain pounded down the peonies in Harley's garden so I went over and got enough for a bouquet.

They smell divine.

Jenny dropped Coop off for a couple of hours while she went to an appointment. He ended up sacking out for most of the time he was here.
Gar left for a physical therapy appointment (foot) and then had a meeting.
I made a spinach salad for dinner....

And warmed up the rest of the lomain and chicken/snow peas from last night. A no brainer.

Barb did chores tonight. The sunlight was very bright.

Gary went out hunting for the best deal on paint (for the indoor). Slate grey it is! White trim.

Could I fit a little more stuff in the library...my command central?

This is where I want to be. Wish there was a good movie on tonight. Television is not that great these days.

That's it for now. A very low key day for me.
Night all.
Beautiful day Lori!
I loved the horses behind the picket fence.
Rest well friend~
There's nothing wrong with a low key day! I can't wait until I can eat spinach from my garden. It looks so good.
A low key day is the very best kind. And yours looks like it was lovely.
Love the art! The peonies are also very beautiful.
Hi Lori and Gari. I like the look of your library. I think the barn will look very smart in slate grey with white trim. I take it the roof stays the same colour - green?Cheers, Mike.
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