It's Saturday...so Gary and Barb helped me with chores. Done way before 9.

Finally, this clematis has grown up the pole and is blooming for real.

It was a gift from Tina in memory of Shennandoah...when she was put down at age 36.

Ironically, it blooms in the month of her death.

Today the first Day Lily opened up...a couple thousand to go....

Wierd weather today. Started out warm and a little muggy, then a cold front came through...then back to warm...a cold front and finally rain around 8pm.

The bugs were out and the horses were rolling.

Around noon Barb came back and started working on King Mustafa. Abbe babysat while we

started to clip him. He just did not want to shed out completely....

Barb has more to do, but he was a good boy.

I spent 3 hours mowing the lawn while Gary continued to work on the barn...what a LONG project!
Jenny stopped up and we picked 3 bags of spinach. There was enough left for at least 25 more.

Surrounded by all that great horse manure...the tomato plants really took off.

Finished evening chores around 6.

The ponies went back out on the pasture.

Gucci and Phoebe had a short run as Gucci is determined to hunt down the bunnies living in our gardens. She gets frantic chasing after them.

Barb came back and tried her new bridle on KM. It was beautiful and seemed to fit him well. She took him for a stroll in the indoor.

Tonight dinner was a big spinach salad....

I even made that warm, special dressing.

Never left the property today...fine with me.
Night all.
You are always on the go so I imagine it was nice to stay home for a change. Do you plant all the lilies each year or are the bulbs left in the ground? I believe we have to dig them up here due to the severe cold. I grew some lilies in containers and love them. I would die to have an area of thousands. How beautiful that will be. I can't wait to see them all in bloom.
Is King Mustafa insulin resistant or cushinoid? He's such a magnificent beastie. I just love seeing pictures of him.
Your spinach salad looks yummy. That would be a very satisfying dinner.
My first day lilies are just coming out, also. I'm a day lily lover, and have many different varieties. I run around every morning, checking to see if any are putting up flower stalks yet.
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