I got out a little earlier this morning and scrubbed the water troughs. Filled them while I was doing chores. Barb stopped on her way to work....

to give King Mustafa a banana.

The ponies went out in the pasture...but that didn't last all that long as it got pretty hot today...almost 90.

Ariana had spent the night at Jenny's, and when she got back to the farm she was still tired.
After Skyping her Mom, she started watching the World Cup Soccer (USA game) and fell asleep on the couch for 3 hours.

While she did that I ran some errands....dropped clothes off at Goodwill, hit Wallyworld, the bank, Rogers Florist and Wegmans.

Not too busy in the village.

Finally got a few more geraniums to go in front of the indoor.
While I was gone, Jen picked up Ariana and then they grabbed Finn and Cooper so they could go to Abbots for an ice cream...Finn's last day of school. Gary and he went over to the T-ball game while I did chores.

It rained 4 times while I was out in the barn. Jerry dropped off a couple samples of hay earlier, and I think I am going to order a truckload. The horses seemed to like it tonight.

By the way, at 1:41 there was and EARTHQUAKE in Rochester. The Center was in Canada (about 300 miles from here). Jenny could feel it in her office downtown.

Well Gayle...the day lillies are exploding...there are so many I can't count them...maybe a thousand...

Everywhere you look....

By 7, it cooled down a bit and looked pretty grey outside. May have some serious rain tonight.
Before I went out to the barn I made some sauce...used turkey Italian sausage for a change.

When Gary and Ariana got home we ate...7:30ish.

Then it was time for the Sequence Challenge.

Ariana pulverized him in the first game.

I'm done! The farrier is coming tomorrow morning.
Night all.
I scrubbed out water troughs today too. We used to use the big 150 gallon ones, but now we use smaller ones. They are easier for me to empty and drag around.
What a nice blog and beautiful pictures! I felt Like I spent the day with you and your family. Your home is lovely and WHAT FLOWERS!!! Beautiful...
I could use a 90 degree day! We finally made it to 80 here in Portland...felt so good to feel the sunshine.
Poor Ariana must have been exhausted from her travels!
I cannot believe the lilies. How wonderful that must be. (I bet you got the geraniums at a great price, too!).
Incredible that the kids are just getting out of school (I hear that from other friends Outside). My kids have been done for a month now. We go back around Aug. 20. When do the school go back there?
Looks beautiful at your place as always.
Cara Lori..........The Banana for KM....I love it!! ...My girl Sheylah loves even the banana skin....!!!!
Wonderful series of your flowers and reflections in the "bathtop"....gorgeous....and your authentic italian "tacchino salsa al pomodoro" looks F AN T A S T I C !!!!!!
....next time I MUST take the plane to taste it......!!!!!!!!
ciao ciao elvira
Happy farrier day today. That's always a good chance to catch up on what is going on in the local horse community.
Lovely pictures (as always) - it's always fun to vicariously participate in your day!
Beautiful photos as usual! I am going to have to try bananas with my horses. King Mustafa is such a beauty.
Great pictures. It was way too hot today. The horses stayed in and will do night turnout, it's just miserable.
This afternoon we had some really bad storms, with lots of trees down. I was glad they were in. Of course, I was driving in this and had a power line come down two cars ahead of me. ugh. Had to back track. Crazy weather.
You know, I tossed out (to the chickens) two old bananas the other day. I knew they wouldn't eat them, but thought maybe some bugs could pick a bit. They were gone later. I thought it was odd, until I read this. I bet Gato - who'll eat anything - ate them!
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