The sky looked like this around 5:45 this morning when the dogs woke me up.

I went back to sleep for over an hour and then we hiked out to the barn.

Where's my breakfast Mom?

I'm doing the five stalls faster each day... When they were finished I started mowing pastures.
Stopped 10 minutes before my class arrived and a new (possible) student was waiting in the driveway.

All were busy but able to converse with her (Christine).

I think she will start next Tuesday. Very talented (pastels and acrylics). It will serve as great motivation to the others.

When they left (after they all picked some spinach), I started mowing again and got through the second and third pastures. The corn is really popping up out back.

Bright skies and coolish...my kind of day.

At 3 I left to go pick up Cooper at the Day Care Center.

When we got back to his house he rode his bike and shot some hoops.

He's going to be a jock, just like his brother.

Jenny has planted a lot of flowers in pots and in the gardens.

Back home before 5...took the dogs out for a little run and picked some weeds by the strawberries. Then I finished mowing the biggest pasture. Gary ran a couple of errands and did a lot of painting on the barn today.

Dinner was simple and delish.

A spinach salad (of course).

Gary wanted white pasta. I sauted two onions and some scapes in olive oil...added fresh spinach and threw in a chopped tomato at the very end. Tossed with Romano cheese. This can be done in about 15 minutes and tastes great.

Barb did chores tonight.
Had take a quick shower so I could get down to bridge by 7:15. It was held at Betty's house...which is huge and packed with antiques.

Of course there was a lot of food.

My partner was Sue V. . We started off in the toilet, but ended up in second place. Lots of laughs tonight.
Check out Coop and the hoop!
It's late....night all.
The barn is really coming along nicely. Glad you had a good time at cards. You do so many fun and different things. A new student might be fun as well.
A nice, everyday, day. The very best kind.
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