Crispy this morning...but bright and beautiful.

I am able to do the chores quickly with just 5 horses. Fortunately the sun was able to start drying things up a bit.

While I was picking stalls, Gucci was running underneath the day lilies and latched on to the sticky weeds. She was a wreck when it was time to go in.

Phoebe, on the other hand, remained pristine.

Gucci was soaked and covered with debris.

A little after 10 I drove down to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn. Within 15 minutes a tractor came along and they were going to spray the orchard. When that happens I leave...don't want any part of it.
Instead of heading for home I decided to check out Deb's new digs. Boy! Have they made progress. When they are all set up I want to do a photo shoot of the interior. It is gorgeous.
For now, you will have to settle for the entrance way.

This little community is beautifully set up and very well maintained. Leaving their home won't be easy, but they sure have an amazing place to live. So quiet...and they don't have to mow the lawn or do any outside work. We know several people who also live there and they love it.

Got home in time to have lunch, take a shower and head over to Batavia. Took a picture of the barn as I was leaving.

The clouds were something today.

Got to the dentist's office a little after 2....


AND I DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 4:50! My mouth was being worked on long enough to make my jaw sore! Dr. M. has been trying to get me to have a crown for a couple of years and I finally knuckled under. He also replaced two fillings so it was a long haul.
Coming and going, the farmer's fields were beautiful. I think they started cutting hay about three weeks ago...now they will have to wait until things dry out more. Corn has shot up and so has everything else.

Got home after 5 and Barb K-S stopped over. Dream is doing well.
Did chores, took off the masks and got in the house a little after 7.

Gary painted over half of the North side of the barn today. I know, many of you like the red (me too) but now all three of our barns are grey...this one has that LL Bean look. Wait until the trim is done and I plant some geraniums.

The back yard was extra peaceful tonight. I love the cooler temperatures.

The water in the ring has started to go down and the weeds have started to go up. When it dries out I will have it rototilled again.

Seeing that my mouth was still screwed up from all the shots (and I could not talk right or whistle to my dogs) Gary made some eggs for supper. Easy to make an something I could eat.
....and it tasted great.

Tomorrow is supposed to be another sunny, coolish day. Fine with me.
Night all.
I know about the dental work! Hope you feel better soon!
...Carissima Lori.....WONDERFUL shots of the lovely houses in your comunity and your lovely porch is extremely inviting...beautiful view on the paddock.....and a souper which I would love: eggs, muffins bacon; simple but soooooo tasty!!
...Ti auguro una bellissima e felicissima settimana!!
ciao ciao elvira
Uggg, that sounds like quite a siege at the dentists. I've had crowns myself, so I know how you felt.
You brought back a memory when you said that Gary made eggs for supper. Dad was no cook. He could only make one thing, and that was scrambled eggs. So, every time that Mom was sick, which, fortunately wasn't very often, that's what we had, for lunch and dinner (cold cereal for breakfast). It was good, but I was very glad when it was decided that I was old enough to do some cooking in cases like that.
Your farm is beautiful. I found your blog by following the trail from Louise's. Your day sounds a lot like mine; feed, clean stalls, chores, feed, clean stalls. It's a good life.
I was thinking that I liked the red, too, but I can understand wanting them all the same. Everything is so green! I love it.
Hi Lori. Please tell Gari that I think the barn's looking really smart now.
Regards to you both, Mike.
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