Went to bed around 3am and woke up at 6:15. The sun was hitting the kitchen counter.

Before I even got to the barn at 7:40, my guardian angel was out there starting chores. She knew I would be whipped. I've never met such a thoughtful person! (And she was on her way to work).

All I had to do was clean the stalls. What a break.

Ariana woke up around 10 and was going to try to get more sleep, but it didn't happen.

At 10:30 my students arrived. Tina, Gucci and Phoebe were all doing their thing.

Jean is doing some very interesting things with her mixed media piece.

Tina worked on giving her flowers more dimension.

And Fran! Fran really got into it with her contour drawings today. I modeled for this one!

After class we went through the spinach picking ritual.

Gary drove Ariana down to Jen's.

And then all three kids came up to the farm while Jen went for an appointment.
I love this photo...

Ariana wanted to go out and see who this King Mustafa was.

She was in awe of his size.

Then all three of them went over to see PC...

Ariana said that he had something wrong with his leg, just above his hoof. Of course it had to be the one with the blown up knee.

I took him into the grooming room and put his leg in a bucket of cool water mixed with betadine.
He stood there like a champ for about 20 minutes. Don't know how he did it, but there was a chunk of skin missing and a little flap...nothing you could stitch, so I dried him off....put on some furacine, a small Pamper, a little vet wrap, a quilt and a track bandage. Not too tight, just wanted him to keep it clean. Tomorrow I will check it out and let some air get at it...the poor boy.

Then I brought Pony in and did a little more clipping. After 20 minutes, she wanted out.

In the meantime, the kids were having snacks in the house and wanted to play Sequence.

Daniela sent us a CD she made...all songs that she loves, and they caused a lot of dancing from the get go.

Finn wanted Ralph and Rosie's pizza tonight, so that's what we ordered.

Bergen is a tiny little village...but there are some good things to be found there.

This building is on the 4 corners...I think it is pretty sweet....

Everyone was ready for dinner. Barb did chores.

Jen took all the kids to her house for the night and I am totaled. As soon as I am prone, it will be sleepy time.
Night all.
The video below is of Finn and Coop dancing to Daniela's CD. You just had to be there, but I know the boys will get a kick out of it.
All I know is that reading about your wonderful days can nearly make me feel exhausted!
What a lovely family. Pony is adorable, and very photogenic! I hope PC heals very quickly.
Hi Lori;) I've not commented in a while, due to commitments here at home. Who is your wonderful guardian angel? What a precious gift to help you when you were tire. I LOVE the photo of the three kids in the red [barn?] door. And the way you wrapped up Mustapha's leg. I read your blog regularly just don't get to comment that much until things quieten down my side. (((Hugs))) Jo
That's a short night - I'm tired just reading about it!
Pampers do come in handy at the barn - they should be in everyone's med packs.
I can believe you're pooped out. You've got so much going on in one day I don't know how you do it all.
Hope the leg heals quickly and he doesn't hurt himself anymore.
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