While I was out doing chores, Ariana came out to pay us a visit. Barb snuck in on her bike before I got out there.

She has always been very comfortable around the horses and started riding at age 3. She spent most of her time on Pony and had an adorable children's English saddle with her name on it.

I wanted to mow down the flowers in the big pasture before it rained, and did that right after chores.

Day lilies everywhere.

At 10:30 the farrier arrived and had time to do only 2 horses...so we did the two oldies.

Pony is 30...

and PC is 31. Both are arthritic and I had given them bute to make them more comfortable...particularly in their back legs.

Last night PC had his bandage half off when I went out to put them in for the night. He was soaking wet from running around (probably not liking the wrap that was dangling behind him).
At any rate, I dumped a little Spearmint in some water and sponged him down. After his feet were trimmed this morning, I resoaked him and put a clean wrap on (love those Pampers). It is one ugly wound, but should be ok. We think he got it stuck somewhere...but who know where?
I keep this beautiful sounding bell on the stall guard that goes across the opening to the grooming room. It is the softest, sweetest sound...and tells me if a horse is there.

Once the pasture was mown, I put the horse out there. Much better.

King Mustafa did not want his mask on today...I gave up trying. Tomorrow it will go on in his stall before he goes out. This morning we thought it was going to pour.

I took Ariana down to the Red Bird Tea Shop for lunch today.

Saw Irene and Betty on the way out.

Ariana was checking out the rings.

When we got home she wanted to mow the lawn so it would be perfect for Bocce.

She and Gary took a little break and went down to get some gas...she ran out.

Gary planted geraniums in front of the indoor today.

Phoebe was busy vegging inside.

So was Gucci.

Jenny and the boys arrived just before dinner. It was time for art.

Ariana, Finn and Jenny played Scrabble.

I extended my spaghetti sauce and we had a repeat of last nights dinner.

Went out to do evening chores while the rest of the crew got ready for Bocce.

It's a tough game for Cooper to understand and he got a little frustrated.

By the time we all got back in the house for some more art, it was decided that Finn and Coop were going to stay overnight (under the condition that Mommy would stay too).
Now the horses are in and I am headed for the couch.
Night all.
It sounds as though you had a wonderfully busy day.
I want to reach through my monitor and grab that delicious meal!
Our 26 something mule Opal got a cut that was fairly ugly. We used bleach water to spray it often, it is healing without a scar! Thought I'd share that with you from our Vet.
Looks like your place is THE place to be!
I just love all the family stuff you do. It really puts a smile on my face. Everything is growing and looking just beautiful. Enjoy tomorrow!
Gayle has hit on the core of it. You have such a strong and connected family. How wonderful, and how lucky you all are.
Today is supposed to be a beautiful day. I bet you'll enjoy it to the fullest, and I'll enjoy hearing about it.
Both Pony and PC look great for their age - a tribute to your great care!
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