Blah...blah...blah. You know everything that I do in the morning.

Another beauty.

While all the other horses are out in the pasture, Pony hangs out with me to see if she can talk me into a handful of grain.

Ooops! The way the sun is hitting King Mustafa, we have now moved into evening chores.

The pups were even ready to go back in the house.

I spent most of the time between these two duties getting the house together.

Gary does volunteer work with the local food shelf, so tonight we went down to St. Lukes for a pot luck dinner.

Lots of food and community minded people.

Before we got there, Ariana called and said her plane was delayed by 3 hours and now we don't pick her up until after 1:30am! In Buffalo.....

On the way home we stopped at Wegmans to make sure we had lots of food on hand (that Ariana likes). The clouds were like mackeral scales.
I'm already tired, and it's not even 10 o'clock!
Just before dark I got this usual, I love the light.

Night all.
Plane delays are no fun especially when you have to drive a long way after the arrival. I hope she made it safely.
Have fun with your granddaughter!
Ohhh you are having a guest! How wonderful.
I cleaned my house to impress once ;-)...
but I live in a small cottage.
Love it when we have company, hope your granddaughter made it safe and sound!!
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