A gorgeous morning. Started off coolish but heated up quickly. Barb helped with chores.
At 9am, John arrived to trim King Mustafa. It was their first meeting.

He was very cooperative, but it was obvious that he was sore in the back. Fortunately John was able to complete the job by being very considerate...

When it was all over, Barb gave him his favorite snack....a banana.

Duncan had a chance to run around before John left the farm.

Back in the kitchen, Phoebe was sacked!

At noon I had an appointment to get my hair cut. This is how it turned out...pretty funky for an old lady.

Pat has been cutting my hair for over 25 years...and most of the time it has been the same cut.

The gardens outside her salon were beautiful...her husband does a great job.

On my way home I noticed a little activity at the Welcome Center, so I drove by to check out a boat. There's our mule...on the porch.

And the bikes you can borrow for free....

Nice....from Cleveland.

Pretty soon, the place will be packed.

Next stop...Wegmans.

How many grocery stores plant gardens and trees?

Gary was kind enough to hang out the sheets and pillow cases. I'm trying to get ready for the arrival of Ariana (our grandaughter) on Monday.

Gayle...here is the hanging plant I got at Ryan's (grocery store) yesterday. Five bucks!

Spent a relatively quiet afternoon.

Even tho it was hot, the humidity was reasonable enough for the horses to stay out in the pasture.

Did evening chores and got in the house around 6:30.

Gary grilled the marinated pork and it was served with corn on the cob and a SPINACH salad. You must be shocked....

At 8:45 I went out to take off the horses masks. It really cooled down.

Pretty soon I will go out and put them in their stalls.
Night all.
Like the haircut! And the dinner looks outstanding, too.
Nice haircut Lori. It's a great thing to find out what suits you- and then stick with it.
Regards, Mike.
The hair looks good. And, it looks like you had a lovely day.
A banana as favourite treat? Equines are the best!
Loved the opportunity to stop by and savour your beautiful world.. Thanks for sharing it Lori! It's so beautiful and the critters are lucky to have you!
Nice to meet you Lori! Thanks for stopping by to say hi. I love your blog, haircut and animals! In answer to your question, my bday is actually March 3rd, but you were close! I am very blessed to have wonderful cousins who keep me riding right now, but my dream is to one day have my own horse.
I still can't believe the price of that basket! What a steal.
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