When I got out to the barn, the air was pretty heavy...the horses were going to have a fan day.

Barb and Gary helped with chores. I took off PC's bandage and his wound was pretty smelly. I called my friend Andrea for advise and learned something. A diaper is fine when you are wrapping a hoof, but not on the leg itself. It was not allowing it to dry out. So, I soaked him and let it air out for about 45 minutes...then rewrapped it with gauze, a quilt and a soft wrap. Can't leave it uncovered at night, as he will get sawdust in it. I need to let the air get at it tomorrow.

Late morning, Jenny came up to run her dogs. She and Ariana went down the lane with them...it was very hot.

Gary did a lot of work in the gardens by the driveway today. Next year, the one closest to the house will be a kitchen herb garden.

Lucky for us, we were able to go over to Tina's pool again. Her gardens are beautiful.

Coop was very independent today...used a belt and was on his own the whole time.

The water was 82 degrees. I even went in and it felt so good.

DJ was looking his handsome self.

Gar had duty at the Welcome Center and picked up some tomatoes, strawberries and raspberries at the market just when they were closing up shop.

I went out to do chores around 6 and it started to rain. Felt good to me!

Barb came over to see Mustafa and was her usual helpful self!
I went in and finished up dinner. A baked omlette....sauteed onions and mushrooms, threw in some spinach and tomatoes...added the eggs and voila....

Breakfast for dinner. Bacon, homefries, toast and oj. Yum. Simple.

Over and out.
Tomorrow Finn and Coop will spend most of the day with us!
Night all.
We're supposed to be cooling off, so maybe that'll head your way as well - I hope so!
I sure am hoping to pick wild black berries 'by mule back' as the areas are inaccessible otherwise.
It is Jam making time!
What a great day!
yup...still beautiful in Skoogville!
like a breath of fresh air.
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