Barb and Gary helped with chores again so they were completed quickly. At 10:30 Barb and I were going to ride Berlin and Abbe...maybe get going on some regular work. When she arrived, she brought her saddle along and said that she was ready to ride King Mustafa! Yey! He had not been ridden for many months. It was extremely foggy but the temperature was great...coolish.

I planned to ride Berlin, but Abbe walked into the grooming room so I said what the heck. She had not been ridden for months either! Dummy that I am, I put on her bitless bridle.

Because Mustafa was in the indoor, I had no chance to free lounge her... It was not a pretty start, but I did get on and she was fresh (and I am old)! She's not nasty, and I can't expect her to be perfect when she has not been worked. It makes me want to get back in the groove, and with Barb here, we just might be able to pull it off.

The good news...after I was in the saddle...it was not too bad. She has been on some vacation!

Be sure and check out Barb and Mustafa at the end of the post.....

By the time we finished, the fog closed in even more.
Got cleaned up and grabbed my camera on my way out the door. There was a rally at the Alumni House put on by the Pro Brockport group and I wanted to take some photos. On Tuesday there will be a vote to determine if the village should be dissolved so there was a gathering today. (Gary had duty at the Welcome Center). This has been quite an emotional deal for both sides.

There was an abundance of food and drink, along with a live band.

The opposition (the people who WANT to dissolve the village) parked their truck across the street. Whatever....but to be sure, anyone who would take the time to come to this rally would not change their mind because of it.

The three main tv stations showed up to film the event.

The pro Brockport group is made up of a very active people...they are volunteers, participate on various local boards, constantly support the community through work and contributions and are there when help is needed. They plant trees and flowers, they help with the food shelf, they work on trails for walking and biking etc. etc. etc. .... and are very interested in promoting a sense of community as well as maintaining historical and cultural integrity.

Jenny brought Cooper and Finn with her.

Because we were on the huge lawn in front of Hartwell Hall, they were able to hit a few balls and ride their bikes (and eat brownies).

We are lucky to have so many people who are supportive of the village.

One of the highlights for me, was running into my friend Fran B. . We worked together at a Day Care Center 36 years ago and I have not seen her for over 25 years. The two greyhounds are hers.

Margay, who helped coordinate this event, is obviously a dog lover.
The man playing the sax is Mark Ketchum. He plays in three bands...this one is Zak's Pak.
I have a video below....just remember to turn off my playlist.

Both of these pups were rescued...I think they are elegant.

Bernie was the main man when it came to communication with the attendees.

There was so much food inside, we had to set up another table outside! Good eats.

Our local police chief stopped in along with several officers. They do not want the village to dissolve.

I'm going to have to catch the news...Jenny said I was shown, but of course I missed it.

Perhaps you recognize Joe from a prior photoshoot at the farm.

After one of the tv crews interviewed Bernie, they went down the street and interviewed the opposition.
They were sitting on the porch observing the goings on. Their goal is to lower taxes (among other things)...who doesn't want lower taxes? Instead of working toward making our government more efficient, they just want to get rid of it.... In a couple of days we will know what the people want, and even if it dissolves, the taxes are not guaranteed to go down. The process would be extremely damaging to this community....my opinion.

All in all, it was a very sweet event. I truly hope the village is not dissolved. Whatever happens...either way...there is some room for consolidation. BUT!!!! know that that is very different from dissolution. It's too bad things had to go this route. Time to cut the political crap and start working together for what is good for all of us.

Hey Fran!
Got home in time to do evening chores. The air was damp...downright muggy.

That's it for now.
Night all.
King Mustafa's first ride at Skoog Farm. He has not been ridden for almost 6 months... and was a perfect gentleman...sound too!
Zak's Pak....don't forget to turn off my playlist.
What a nice big guy. What breed is he?
Hope you get to keep your village. And, so sorry people are valuing a few bucks over community.
You hit the nail on the head. Working together is what solves problems, not just getting rid of things willy nilly. Get rid of Brockport, and you get rid of a lot of history.
I think I'm in love with King Mustafa.
Good for you and Abe getting back inthe saddle must have felt quite nice :) and yes King Mustafa sure was a perfect gentleman!!
Sorry you having political woes and hope that everyone involved can come up with a good resolution that does not mean the end to the village.
cara Lori.....Great to hear you are riding.....fantastic!!!! Do you ride in the track or you go outside too??
I do ride too; but I do trekking in the little wood trails....!!!It's pretty adventurous but very beautiful!!
Bravissima; un giorno andiamo insieme a fare un giro a cavallo in Toscana; d'accordo?!
I wish you good luck for the political situation!!!!
ciao ciao elvira
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