When I got out to the barn this morning Dream just about gave me a heart attack. She was down in front of King Mustafa's stall snoozing and did not get up when Phoebe and Gucci went over to see her. Usually she is waiting to go out the door. She got up, stretched and was back to normal.

Barb and Gary helped me with chores...then I cleaned up a leather halter that I wanted to give to Barb/Dream. I thought she was leaving at 1, but Margie got here an hour early.

Wham! Bam! She was loaded and headed back "home" before I could even get some photos. She will be missed, but I don't think she will mind going back to Christina's World.

The Day Lilies are going to burst open pretty soon. We have hundreds and hundreds of them.

A little after noon I headed out for Shepherd's Mill to pick up a load of sawdust.

Gary shoveled it into the wheelbarrows (3) and I dumped it in the stalls

Of course (by then) it was getting pretty hot...must have been all the activity. The wind was blowing the sawdust all over the place.

Gucci and Phoebe were thirsty.

Gary started painting at 9am.

By late afternoon the front was finished...just the white trim is left.

Jenny went to Ralph and Rosie's to get a pizza while the kids waited at the farm. I had already made our dinner, but of course we had to test the pizza. Fortunately the evening chores were done.

It was a beautiful evening, but it was a little buggy when I went out to take the horses masks off.

I finally took a shower and have reached my capacity.
Night all. Tomorrow is another day.
Those purple/fuschia flowers are just gorgeous!
Good capture on the child on the ball. I wish I could still move like that! haha!
So long Dream!
Can you leave your lily bulbs in the ground over the winter? I will dig up all my glad bulbs and I believe my mom always dug up her lilies. I don't think they will survive severe temps. of -50. Life would be easier to if they were left in the ground. The barn is coming along nicely. That sure is quite a project.
You got me worried there at the beginning... phew, I was glad she was just snoozing. I will miss reading about her but she will probably be happy to be back home. Oh Dream, wish you all the best!
You'll miss Dream, but she'll be happy back at her old home, I expect.
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