I had to wake Phoebe and Gucci up this morning so they could eat breakfast and get ready to go out to the barn.

Barb helped me with chores again...only a couple more days and her vacation will be over...She has spoiled me!

I left PC's wrap off today so his wound could get some air. Tonight I will wrap it again so it does not get full of sawdust in the stall.

Right now, our dill is ready for some pickles. I hope Randy and Gar will make many jars this summer.
I met Kevin and the kids at Bill Gray's for lunch. It is one of the places Ariana wanted to visit while she was here. Great burgers and I had lots of coupons. Delicious.

The kids went to the movies and I went to Wegmans. Check out the gardens. They just get more and more beautiful.

I had a dentist appointment today...had to get that crown put on.

I took the back way home and went by some gorgeous fields.

As I approached the farm I took a shot of the indoor...Can't get used to it in grey.

I made an early dinner. Mac and cheese, peas, apples, tomato salad and toasted bread. Of course Gary and I were the only ones who ate the tomato salad.

Everyone loves this kids meal, and we all ate plenty.

After dinner I did chores and the boys made a fort in the living room.

Finn took some pictures for me (above).

The light was very changeable this evening. Dark, then bright, then dark.....

After playing outside, everyone came in for a Sundae and some games. We played charades and did a couple of quick videos. You have seen one of them on Ariana's post.

In the middle of all this, Jenny called (on her way home) and asked if we could see the rainbow.

The boys ran out of the house to see it. I did not get a strong shot of it, but Ariana did.

We went back in the house and waited for Jenny. Sure had a lot of fun.

Have to go out and take care of PC before the horses go in.
Night all.
What a nice day (except the dentist)!
Nice day, nice post!
Lovely day - and really like the new header!
That's funny, I was working very hard to convince myself that I didn't need a nice big cheeseburger from Bill Gray's last night. I succeeded, but I still want that burger, darn it!
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