The horses were grazing on an UNSATURATED pasture.
Even tho I keep the grass short, there is plenty to keep them busy.
While I was finishing up, Jenny came up with the dogs to take them for a run to get them good and tired. Then she picked spinach and dill for some goodies she was preparing for a 4th of July party at our friend's home on Chautauqua Lake.
Four dogs is a lot! Especially when Buster Brown is just an annoying puppy.

Gary told Jen he was putting a strain on their relationship!
For the second time, Buster crawled under the back porch and could not figure out how to get out. I called him and had a flash light shining under there but he just would not trace his steps.
Gary was still gone, so I got a shovel and dug out some of the small stones next to the decking and he was able to crawl out. What a pain!
Gayle (in Alaska), here are some of the tomato plants Gary and Randy staked up yesterday.
I was testing my camera, so here is a shot from our library looking into the living room.
Jenny had taken the dogs back home from their morning run, and I picked them up around 2:30 after I left the 4th of July activities in the Village.
Buster took a slight rest on the bed under my computer table. After dinner I took all 4 down the lane for a walk and got carried away taking more shots...could not resist the color.

These are the scapes on Gary's garlic. You can stir fry them.
I forgot to post my shots of the moon when I went out to take the horse's masks off, so you will just have to imagine it. Now I am going out to the kitchen where I will attempt to sleep and supervise the quartet. Night All!
Very nice images again, your dogs are so cute! Love the shape of the garlic!
Hi, Lori and Gary. I think your barley is about a fortnight behind ours, some of which looks about ready for harvesting.
Regards, Mike and Ann.
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