I finished morning chores and started mowing the rest of the lawn, when Gordon showed up to rototill the outdoor arena. It is finally dry after being under water for nearly a month. The weeds were over a foot tall in spots.
When he left the hospital today they said his counts were good enough for him to go out and eat. So we did! Very encouraging to see him out of the house/hospital.
Here they are leaving....
...the Golden Eagle....
I went from there to Empire Vision to see about getting some new glasses. I lost my reading glasses somewhere on the property when I was doing all my chores. No way could I do my Journal without them!
Got home and picked some spinach while Gary continued to pull up more of his garlic.
Around 3:30 I went out to try a different harness on Abbe. She was very patient while I made many adjustments. Finally I was ready to take her out for some line driving.
Just the surcingle today.
Tomorrow I hope to hitch her up to the little red cart (with the help of Jenny).
She was very quiet and only reacted a little when Winnie was brought home.
There go the Kenney's. Not quite the week they were hoping for.
She cantered out to the pasture to be with the other horses.
Did evening chores and made a "spinach" salad to take down to our friend's house for dinner.
Judy and Randy are vegetarians and we have the best food ever!!!! when we go there. Hands down!!! Judy is the best cook I know.
For dessert she made this French dish (I can't remember what you call it) with custard and gigantic black cherries. So good....Mary, you would have loved it!
We went out to her gardens and since it was starting to get dark, what would be better than clicking away?

At the end of their driveway is a little garage. The four grandchildren turned the upstairs into a beautiful loft. When I sat in one of the chairs, I did not want to leave.
This is Judy...she and Randy spend part of the year in Florida and part in Brockport.

Back to the garden....
Into the macro shots tonight....

What a great back yard. Love the lights and picket fence.
Gary and Randy remained "engaged" in conversation while were where checking things out.

Is this a little doll house or what?
It is now 10:46 and I have to go put the horses in before I fall asleep. Did anyone besides me stay up and watch Paul McCartney on Letterman last night? He was great.
Night all.
I wish I saw Paul!
You guys are busy people. & Your veggie dish looks amazing.
That dessert made my mouth water...yum. What an awesome house..love it!
Love the night shots Lori.
How absolutely wonderful that Dick is well enough to go out. I hope he continues to have good progress. The flowers are just beautiful! Good luck with the cart work tomorrow.
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