This morning I opened my computer to this! It is from Kim at Enlightened Horsemanship and means a great deal to me.
Here is what she said..."This award goes to Lori Skoog of the Skoog Farm Journal for her caring attention to her blogging friends, and for having referred over 300 readers to my blog over the last year."
Like myself, I would imagine many of you feel like you really have gotten to know many of the blogger friends you communicate with. Once again, I sure wish I could meet you in person. There is something very special about each one of you that I link to. So many are excellent writers and photographers (with such interesting and informative subject matter). As a person who seldom "gets off the farm," I have traveled to many places all over the world through you. From Niger to Paris to England to Sweden and to so many corners of the US and this planet. What an education. Thank you ALL for taking the time to read my Journal. That goes for my 49 followers too. How flattered I am that you are interested in keeping track of what is going on in my little corner of this universe.
Your blog is always a pleasure to read. Us bloggers may meet someday, who knows?
Well deserved, Ma'am. Thoroughly well deserved. Warm regards, Mike and Ann.
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