Darrin arrived at 10am to chauffeur Abbe and me out to Glen Darach Farm. I hauled everything out to the driveway so we didn't have to waste any time. Two harnesses this time, the one that has been used all along, and the new one. It's a good thing they were both with me, as we had to make adjustments. The new one is definately better, so I will trade back the old one.
When we got there, dump trucks (about 4 at a time) were going in and out of the property dropping off fill dirt. There was also a huge bulldozer leveling it all off. Crash, bang...lots of gear shifting and LOUD sounds...I thought we were really going to be in for it! However, my sweet pony stood without moving for nearly 20 minutes while we made harness adjustments.
This time I started with the line driving and there was much improvement. When Andrea took the reins and demanded more, Abbe got a little feisty.

Don't look at my cart to closely, it is full of bird dooooo. I can't wait to get it home so it can be cleaned, sanded and refinished.

I harnessed Abbe on the trailer today....took it off there too. She was a doll! And with all that crazy activity out there.
I am very proud of this pony....it seems like we have both turned the corner...thanks to a very professional trainer who also happens to be a good friend.
I have a feeling that all your hard, hard work is about to blossom into some wonderful buggy rides.
Looks fantastic! Abbe is really gorgaus! :))
Beautiful horses...we are also horse lovers...animal lovers in fact.
Had you not taken me (us) on this journey with you, I never would have realized how much work a driver puts in with their horse. You really are dedicated to mastering this art.
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