Be prepared, 'cause this is going to be a long trip.
It was another beautiful morning, but after lunch things started to rain....
This next BIG section is all about our friend Bill Stewart. In many of my posts I have shown you the pieces of his work that are in our house and all over the gardens. Let me tell you a little bit about him.
Bill and I were hired by SUNY Brockport in the same year (1966!!!!). I was the new art teacher at the Campus School and he was in the Art Department at the college (at the time it was one of the best in the country). Gary was actually one of his students....and his wife Bonnie, was at the Campus School teaching. It was inevitable that we would become friends, and because Bill is such a generous pal, we now have one of the biggest Stewart collections around. We have purchased some of his pieces, but much of our garden art has been moved here from his gardens. That's why we went to his studio today...he always knows we are happy to take on anything he wants to give us. I will show you that later.
A few years ago, Bonnie and Bill built a new house with a studio on the same property.
"Bill! Are you in there?" "Go away!" he said. Gary and Bill are like two brothers. They break each others chops every chance they get.
So there was Bill in his studio, working away on some pieces for a show that will be coming up in a few months.
He works on several at the same time, and these are quite large.

There is a series of black figures and he puts a red cross on their "hats."
These were hanging on the wall in the studio.

As you can see, he has quite a sense of humor. During his career he has gone through several stages and his work has been described as "inventive," "humorous," "funky," "whimsical" etc. etc. etc. I think you get the picture.
A plug was hanging from his ceiling.

There is a beautiful creek the runs through their property...the sound would make me sleep well at night. There are pieces of sculpture scattered about, most of which are much taller than me
The creek is so classic.

Gary and Bill are quite the duo. They have done many road trips together taking Bill's work to galleries from Philadelphia to Miami.
Does this piece remind you of my big bird?
The house they built is the ideal. Simple, well layed out and functional. Of course it is loaded with beautiful work.

When they moved here, we gave them day lillies, hostas and black eyed Susans. The gardens they have developed are gorgeous.

Everywhere you turn, there is something interesting to look at.
Does anyone know what the heck these soft pink flowers are? I have never seen them.
Gardens are tucked in every corner of the property.
More talk about the creek...."remember when we were kids......"
How about this? Click on it to make it bigger...interesting...
Now we are in the house. Here is one of the pieces in his new series....he has sold several already and is busy working on more.
There are examples of his different periods throughout the house.
I can't tell you how many candlesticks he has sold...both of our daughters have them.

This huge fish hangs over their kitchen table (Bill did not make this one).

I would be most happy to take this horse off their hands. Bill has quite a toy collection.
How about this Mother Goose?
Another piece from his new series.
Time to go....the tour is over.....
On the way home it started to rain...when we got to the Canal I grabbed a shot of this Bed and Breakfast....The Adams Basin Inn.

As nice as it gets!
Then, when I got home I drove down to Tractor Supply to get some hay cubes so Justine would have them for chores tonight.
It was time to go out and work Abbe. Since the last time was the worst, I did not know what to expect.
Fortunately, the temperature was coolish and so was she. We had a pretty decent experience.
I said forget driving through the ground poles and tried to do straight lines and diagonals the way they were supposed to look. Tomorrow I will work her with the full harness. Speaking of harnesses, I sold the harness that I bought for her (and didn't fit!!!!) out at the Garden Party yesterday. Yey!
Gary is still working on his chair....
And now for the new Garden pieces we got from Bill today.
Go figure, huh?
This will go on the black piece below here.
And this guy is going to be greeting you in the garden by the kitchen door.

Is he fun or what?
You'd think I would be done by now, but I have to tell you about dinner. I stir fried the rest of the peas our friends gave us.....

Made some lomain (so easy).
Stir fried two boneless chicken breasts (cut up) with some onions.....
Made a quick fruit salad out of whatever was on hand (for some reason I love bananas with Chinese food).
And put it all together for a very tasty meal.
I have already taken the horses masks off and can't even think about posting anymore photos.
See what I mean about a real mix? If you are still with me, you're a real trooper!
Night all.
I find your friends artwork very interesting. It would be fun to have the bright colorful pieces in my gardens, but probably not until my little fingers grow up! :) Very nice home they have as well. I would love to have a creek running through my yard. Thanks for sharing your neighborhood so to speak.
OK . . . two things; "the weather was coolish and so was she" . . . CLASSIC!! 2ndly . . . I'm not looking at your blog anymore before I've eaten . . . your wares are merely scintillating, madam!
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