Up and at 'um. You must know the drill by now. Fed the dogs...chores...back to the house.
Had to run some errands...bank, Wegmans, gas station....
Cleaned Abbe's harness and packed things up for tomorrow morning...will leave here about 9 to take her out to Glen Darach Farm for three days of training. Hopefully we will be in the cart driving her by Saturday. It has to happen sometime. The Kenney's are (once again) letting me use their truck and trailer. How lucky can I be?
Gary was given a gift card to the Village Inn, so we went there tonight for dinner. Excellent from start to finish.
It is 20 miles from our farm, and we drove home the back way. The fields are golden with wheat, or have hay down for baling tomorrow. Some are ready to do second cutting, and did it smell great.
Got home just before dark and went out to take the horses masks off. You had to know my camera would be with me.
Tonight I took many shots in the dark... and encourage all of you to do this.
Particularly in your gardens.

You can hardly see this sculpture at the end of our driveway, the snow on the mountain is so tall.
Here's the other one. Both are by Bill Stewart, the artist I featured yesterday.
As a matter of fact, these night shots would make a good challenge for "Sunday Stills."

He has a new home and now he needs a name. Any suggestions?
The horses are in, it is now 11:30, and I am going to watch David Letterman. Night All.
Name him Foozie...he looks like my old Catholic priest friend, Father Foozie:-)
Wishing you good morning from Sweden!
Those night photos are great. I wish I'd thought of it, but I can at least copy it.
It's not raining today, by the way!
Bill Steward's artwork is really fun. Your camera work in the dark is to be commended and copied. Nice stuff. (Your dogs look like great pets...so attentive and "on guard."
wow.. trip down "memory lane"... :) since i went to school upstate New York.
happy trails
gp now in mt!
Again, I just love the ceramic pieces. Maybe during our long, cold, dark winters I'll give it a try. I know the girls love to paint. Remind me again when it gets dark here and I'll try taking photos! lol
Oh...you have to go to www.lightcurve.com There is a picture of Foozie (he spells is Fousie, but I spelled it like it sounds:-) There is a picture of him in a boat...you will see how much he looks like your statue! One of the greatest people on the planet..my videographer mentor and friend. He is a camp host in Zion National Park and for now is taking guided tours on the Oregon Coast.
Your garden is lovely at night. I enjoyed your photos and narrative. Good luck with your horse.
You're always such a busy gal from morning til night. I don't know where you get your energy from.
Love the nighttime pictures.
checking inn from the inn again :) Getting ready for a houseful of guests AND a horse show
Looked at your website after I posted... I went to SUNY Brockport !!! :) Small world, huh!
happy trails
Can't wait to get that second cutting of hay from your neighborhood - We should have it by next week. I hope the weather stays dry for a while longer. Those night photos of the flowers are so exotic. I will try it.
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