Tina was in heaven when she was with him...
Roger even got attached.
Dream lived with Sunshine...Tina called them the odd couple.

Sunshine could do it all...you could ride him, hook him to a cart or hitch him to a sleigh.
Haflingers were showing up everywhere...at The Renaissance Equestrian Center doing dressage...
Driving competitions at Northampton Park and Walnut Hill....what a versatile breed.

Late in 2009, Tina and Roger lost Sunshine to colic. It was devastating. Dream became very down and needed something to give her back some spark. So...Barb moved her to Skoog Farm. Within a week she was worked into the herd...and was very happy to be with other horses.
Tina was having a hard time, but was always concerned about Dream and even came up to visit and brush her.
As time passed, instead of having visions of sugar plums in her head, Tina had dreams about Haflingers. She was feeling much better and knew she needed to have a horse back in her life.
A passion for these beautiful creatures was hard to give up.
Being an internet master, she started looking for a horse. Her first visit introduced her to AJ, a 12 year old that had been ridden and driven.

Then, we made a trip over to another Haflinger Farm...Sunshine (alias AttaBoy) came from there. We had quite a time taking photos. Between us we must have taken 300 (the shots below were taken by Tina, so were some of the ones above).

There were no horses for sale, but we wanted to see their new foal.

This trip was so worthwhile. Gary Easton knew of AJ, the people who bred him, and those who have him now. Tina was thinking it was too good to be true, getting the first horse she looked at, but Gary thought he would be a great choice...let's see what happens next.
I thought the same the first time you posted a picture of AJ:)
Thank you for telling our story. I cried all the way through it. What a beautiful boy my Sunshine was!
I knew that if I was able , there would be no stopping me from getting another horse. Any sensible argument about how old I am, and how likely my back problem would flair up would not deter me.
How can a horse person live without a horse? I could only do it if I had to. I'm healthy enough now to know that I can do this! Someday I'll have to give it all up, but thank Heaven this is not the time for that awful decision. Tina
Gentle giants...a lovely post! I used to have a horse, and I really enjoy reading about your horses, and friend's horses!
I hope Christina finds her special horse. I love the photos of this beautiful breed. What a sweet little one with his mom too.
I feel with Tina; Lori.....well; I know soooooo well how she was feeling....and I can only imagine....how many strong feelings are passing on her right now!!!!
Wonderful....she is ready now to meet horses and I am convinced that very soon she will find her new galopping friend...!
ciao ciao elvira
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