I keep waking up around 6am...this happens every year! Got my butt out to the barn before 7 and flew through chores.

Look at that sky! It was a gorgeous morning.

Was in the house by 8:30, and when I checked my Journal I had three new and very interesting followers. I am totally flattered to have 111 of them, and over 65,000 hits. After all, I am Miss Back Yard from a little town in Western New York. What an experience this has been...I have met so many people who have shared their photographs and stories with me and the rest of the world. Isn't it funny how you end up connecting with people who have similar interests? What an education...geography has been a biggie. I knew very little about Niger or Tanzania or Slovenia etc. before I started doing this. And there are so many outstanding writers...like Coyote and Rebecca. Then there are the horse people who are full of useful information....like Kate, Carmon, Victoria, Grey Horse and my pal out at Dream Valley Ranch. When are we going to have a bloggers convention???? Photographers...Ken Mac, Virginia. Elvira and now Ry. I have noticed there are a lot of you out in the Washington, Oregon area...Then there's that sweet Maery Rose who makes the kick ass coffee. How lucky am I, to have connected with so many bright, thoughtful and caring people? I'm still waiting for Esther to tell me she's home!!!! Of course I still follow Jon Katz of Bedlam Farm...it's all his fault that I started this Journal. I could go on and on.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, we had another chorus rehearsal today. We were pretty good.

When we finished up, I drove over to 58 Main for a luncheon for retired teachers from our school district. The place was packed.

It was so great to see everyone...especially Bonnie and Joan, who I haven't seen for years.

We decided to go up to Java so we could get caught up. When I parked the car, there were Hanny and Patty planting hostas and flowers around the trees on Main Street. Community members are adopting the trees with the shop owners and will take care of them all summer and fall. The Village is on a very tight budget, so Patty and others organized the gathering of plantings and volunteers to make this happen. You know what I am going to say...another example of what makes this a great community. Late afternoon Gary went down to help.

Here we are at Java. Bonnie, Joan, Maryellen (chorus director) and me.

Didn't feel like making dinner, so when Gar finished up with the planting, he picked up a New York style pizza...just cheese and that nice thin crust.

of course we had to have a salad...it hit the spot.

Tonight it was warm and the light was still beautiful.

I grained the horses and put them back outside.

Too nice for them to be in the barn. I'll go out and put them in when I finish this.

Gary painted until 8pm. He is really making progress. Gotta go now.
Night all.
Thats very beautiful pictures.
What an interesting life you lead.
The adopt-a-tree is a fabulous idea. Sounds like a great idea to catch on. Our summers are so short not too many business invest money in flowers, etc. You've motivated me to catch some photos of the ones that do.
What a huge project painting the barn. Sure is a lot of work. Spraying sure would be a lot easier.
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