A pretty crappy morning. The outdoor arena tells you that we had a LOT of rain last night.

The wind was blowing and gusts went over 50MPH.

Branches and leaves were being blown off the trees.

While the sun was out...Phoebe found her spotlight.

Barb came over and helped with chores.

When we went upstairs to throw down hay, Gucci climbed up on the bales. She loves to bounce around up there.

Sheets had to go back on the horses...between the wind and the rain they needed the protection.

Got back in the house around 9:30. Gar picked up the debris by the driveway and went down to Java.

The garlic is over 2 feet tall...unbelievable for the beginning of May. And the spinach is really going nuts...

Headed down to Wegmans for a major load of groceries. Home around 12:30 and stayed in the house.

Made some bean salad...

It started pouring and Barb did chores early.
Gar and I went down to Cretney's for our monthly dinner with them and the Klines.

Al and Brenda are both artists. Remember them? Above is one of Al's carvings. It just took a second place in a huge carving show. Those feather look so real.

We started out with some appetizers...cheese, crackers, cranberry salsa, chocolate covered peanuts...drinks etc.

I made a big salad with strawberries and bananas with homemade poppy seed dressing.

Al made Shepherd's Pie...I've never had it before.

Ann made a fabulous desert...no gluten! Yum...hazelnuts, whipped cream, raspberries and more!

Carvings were everywhere.

After dinner we went into the living room and jabbered.

Home around 10:15 and I have finally finished this post at 11:40. I absolutely have to put up fewer pictures before this becomes an even bigger career.
Night all.
Bean salad really looks yummy. Where's the recipe? :) I'm looking forward to our spinach as well.
Hi Lori -- Donna and I love today's photos -- horses, food, pets, friends, farm and all! - Dick
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